function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; }

 * Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import normalizeValueWithProperty from './normalizeValueWithProperty';
import resolveShadowValue from './resolveShadowValue';
var defaultOffset = {
  height: 0,
  width: 0

function boxShadowReducer(resolvedStyle, style) {
  var boxShadow = style.boxShadow;
  var shadow = resolveShadowValue(style);

  if (shadow != null) {
    resolvedStyle.boxShadow = boxShadow ? boxShadow + ", " + shadow : shadow;

function textShadowReducer(resolvedStyle, style) {
  var textShadowColor = style.textShadowColor,
      textShadowOffset = style.textShadowOffset,
      textShadowRadius = style.textShadowRadius;

  var _ref = textShadowOffset || defaultOffset,
      height = _ref.height,
      width = _ref.width;

  var radius = textShadowRadius || 0;
  var offsetX = normalizeValueWithProperty(width);
  var offsetY = normalizeValueWithProperty(height);
  var blurRadius = normalizeValueWithProperty(radius);
  var color = normalizeValueWithProperty(textShadowColor, 'textShadowColor');

  if (color && (height !== 0 || width !== 0 || radius !== 0) && offsetX != null && offsetY != null && blurRadius != null) {
    resolvedStyle.textShadow = offsetX + " " + offsetY + " " + blurRadius + " " + color;

var createCompileableStyle = function createCompileableStyle(styles) {
  var shadowColor = styles.shadowColor,
      shadowOffset = styles.shadowOffset,
      shadowOpacity = styles.shadowOpacity,
      shadowRadius = styles.shadowRadius,
      textShadowColor = styles.textShadowColor,
      textShadowOffset = styles.textShadowOffset,
      textShadowRadius = styles.textShadowRadius,
      nextStyles = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(styles, ["shadowColor", "shadowOffset", "shadowOpacity", "shadowRadius", "textShadowColor", "textShadowOffset", "textShadowRadius"]);

  if (shadowColor != null || shadowOffset != null || shadowOpacity != null || shadowRadius != null) {
    boxShadowReducer(nextStyles, styles);

  if (textShadowColor != null || textShadowOffset != null || textShadowRadius != null) {
    textShadowReducer(nextStyles, styles);

  return nextStyles;

export default createCompileableStyle;