/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTUIManager.h" #import #import "RCTAssert.h" #import "RCTBridge+Private.h" #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "RCTComponent.h" #import "RCTComponentData.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTDefines.h" #import "RCTEventDispatcher.h" #import "RCTLayoutAnimation.h" #import "RCTLayoutAnimationGroup.h" #import "RCTLog.h" #import "RCTModuleData.h" #import "RCTModuleMethod.h" #import "RCTProfile.h" #import "RCTRootContentView.h" #import "RCTRootShadowView.h" #import "RCTRootViewInternal.h" #import "RCTScrollableProtocol.h" #import "RCTShadowView+Internal.h" #import "RCTShadowView.h" #import "RCTSurfaceRootShadowView.h" #import "RCTSurfaceRootView.h" #import "RCTUIManagerObserverCoordinator.h" #import "RCTUIManagerUtils.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #import "RCTView.h" #import "RCTViewManager.h" #import "UIView+React.h" static void RCTTraverseViewNodes(id view, void (^block)(id)) { if (view.reactTag) { block(view); for (id subview in view.reactSubviews) { RCTTraverseViewNodes(subview, block); } } } static NSString *RCTNativeIDRegistryKey(NSString *nativeID, NSNumber *rootTag) { if (!nativeID || !rootTag) { return @""; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-%@", rootTag, nativeID]; } NSString *const RCTUIManagerWillUpdateViewsDueToContentSizeMultiplierChangeNotification = @"RCTUIManagerWillUpdateViewsDueToContentSizeMultiplierChangeNotification"; @implementation RCTUIManager { // Root views are only mutated on the shadow queue NSMutableSet *_rootViewTags; NSMutableArray *_pendingUIBlocks; // Animation RCTLayoutAnimationGroup *_layoutAnimationGroup; // Main thread only NSMutableDictionary *_shadowViewRegistry; // RCT thread only NSMutableDictionary *_viewRegistry; // Main thread only NSMapTable *_nativeIDRegistry; NSMapTable *> *_shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps; // UIManager queue only. NSHashTable *_shadowViewsWithUpdatedChildren; // UIManager queue only. // Keyed by viewName NSMutableDictionary *_componentDataByName; } @synthesize bridge = _bridge; RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() + (BOOL)requiresMainQueueSetup { return NO; } - (void)invalidate { /** * Called on the JS Thread since all modules are invalidated on the JS thread */ // This only accessed from the shadow queue _pendingUIBlocks = nil; RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(^{ RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"UIManager invalidate", nil); for (NSNumber *rootViewTag in self->_rootViewTags) { UIView *rootView = self->_viewRegistry[rootViewTag]; if ([rootView conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTInvalidating)]) { [(id)rootView invalidate]; } } self->_rootViewTags = nil; self->_shadowViewRegistry = nil; self->_viewRegistry = nil; self->_nativeIDRegistry = nil; self->_bridge = nil; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @""); }); } - (NSMutableDictionary *)shadowViewRegistry { // NOTE: this method only exists so that it can be accessed by unit tests if (!_shadowViewRegistry) { _shadowViewRegistry = [NSMutableDictionary new]; } return _shadowViewRegistry; } - (NSMutableDictionary *)viewRegistry { // NOTE: this method only exists so that it can be accessed by unit tests if (!_viewRegistry) { _viewRegistry = [NSMutableDictionary new]; } return _viewRegistry; } - (NSMapTable *)nativeIDRegistry { if (!_nativeIDRegistry) { _nativeIDRegistry = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable]; } return _nativeIDRegistry; } - (void)setBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { RCTAssert(_bridge == nil, @"Should not re-use same UIManager instance"); _bridge = bridge; _shadowViewRegistry = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _viewRegistry = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _nativeIDRegistry = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable]; _shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps = [NSMapTable weakToStrongObjectsMapTable]; _shadowViewsWithUpdatedChildren = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable]; // Internal resources _pendingUIBlocks = [NSMutableArray new]; _rootViewTags = [NSMutableSet new]; _observerCoordinator = [RCTUIManagerObserverCoordinator new]; // Get view managers from bridge= _componentDataByName = [NSMutableDictionary new]; for (Class moduleClass in _bridge.moduleClasses) { if ([moduleClass isSubclassOfClass:[RCTViewManager class]]) { RCTComponentData *componentData = [[RCTComponentData alloc] initWithManagerClass:moduleClass bridge:_bridge]; _componentDataByName[componentData.name] = componentData; } } // This dispatch_async avoids a deadlock while configuring native modules dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didReceiveNewContentSizeMultiplier) name:@"RCTAccessibilityManagerDidUpdateMultiplierNotification" object:[self->_bridge moduleForName:@"AccessibilityManager" lazilyLoadIfNecessary:YES]]; }); #if !TARGET_OS_TV [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(namedOrientationDidChange) name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil]; #endif [RCTLayoutAnimation initializeStatics]; } #pragma mark - Event emitting - (void)didReceiveNewContentSizeMultiplier { // Report the event across the bridge. #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" id multiplier = [[self->_bridge moduleForName:@"AccessibilityManager" lazilyLoadIfNecessary:YES] valueForKey:@"multiplier"]; if (multiplier) { [_bridge.eventDispatcher sendDeviceEventWithName:@"didUpdateContentSizeMultiplier" body:multiplier]; } #pragma clang diagnostic pop RCTExecuteOnUIManagerQueue(^{ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTUIManagerWillUpdateViewsDueToContentSizeMultiplierChangeNotification object:self]; [self setNeedsLayout]; }); } #if !TARGET_OS_TV // Names and coordinate system from html5 spec: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Screen.orientation // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Screen.lockOrientation static NSDictionary *deviceOrientationEventBody(UIDeviceOrientation orientation) { NSString *name; NSNumber *degrees = @0; BOOL isLandscape = NO; switch (orientation) { case UIDeviceOrientationPortrait: name = @"portrait-primary"; break; case UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown: name = @"portrait-secondary"; degrees = @180; break; case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight: name = @"landscape-primary"; degrees = @-90; isLandscape = YES; break; case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft: name = @"landscape-secondary"; degrees = @90; isLandscape = YES; break; case UIDeviceOrientationFaceDown: case UIDeviceOrientationFaceUp: case UIDeviceOrientationUnknown: // Unsupported return nil; } return @{ @"name" : name, @"rotationDegrees" : degrees, @"isLandscape" : @(isLandscape), }; } - (void)namedOrientationDidChange { NSDictionary *orientationEvent = deviceOrientationEventBody([UIDevice currentDevice].orientation); if (!orientationEvent) { return; } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" [_bridge.eventDispatcher sendDeviceEventWithName:@"namedOrientationDidChange" body:orientationEvent]; #pragma clang diagnostic pop } #endif - (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue { return RCTGetUIManagerQueue(); } - (void)registerRootViewTag:(NSNumber *)rootTag { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); RCTAssert(RCTIsReactRootView(rootTag), @"Attempt to register rootTag (%@) which is not actually root tag.", rootTag); RCTAssert( ![_rootViewTags containsObject:rootTag], @"Attempt to register rootTag (%@) which was already registered.", rootTag); [_rootViewTags addObject:rootTag]; // Registering root shadow view RCTSurfaceRootShadowView *shadowView = [RCTSurfaceRootShadowView new]; shadowView.reactTag = rootTag; _shadowViewRegistry[rootTag] = shadowView; // Registering root view RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(^{ RCTSurfaceRootView *rootView = [RCTSurfaceRootView new]; rootView.reactTag = rootTag; self->_viewRegistry[rootTag] = rootView; }); } - (void)registerRootView:(RCTRootContentView *)rootView { RCTAssertMainQueue(); NSNumber *reactTag = rootView.reactTag; RCTAssert(RCTIsReactRootView(reactTag), @"View %@ with tag #%@ is not a root view", rootView, reactTag); UIView *existingView = _viewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTAssert( existingView == nil || existingView == rootView, @"Expect all root views to have unique tag. Added %@ twice", reactTag); CGSize availableSize = rootView.availableSize; // Register view _viewRegistry[reactTag] = rootView; // Register shadow view RCTExecuteOnUIManagerQueue(^{ if (!self->_viewRegistry) { return; } RCTRootShadowView *shadowView = [RCTRootShadowView new]; shadowView.availableSize = availableSize; shadowView.reactTag = reactTag; shadowView.viewName = NSStringFromClass([rootView class]); self->_shadowViewRegistry[shadowView.reactTag] = shadowView; [self->_rootViewTags addObject:reactTag]; }); } - (NSString *)viewNameForReactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); NSString *name = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag].viewName; if (name) { return name; } __block UIView *view; RCTUnsafeExecuteOnMainQueueSync(^{ view = self->_viewRegistry[reactTag]; }); #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector" if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(componentViewName_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_IS_BROKEN)]) { return [view performSelector:@selector(componentViewName_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_IS_BROKEN)]; } #pragma clang diagnostic pop return nil; } - (UIView *)viewForReactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCTAssertMainQueue(); return _viewRegistry[reactTag]; } - (RCTShadowView *)shadowViewForReactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); return _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; } - (void)_executeBlockWithShadowView:(void (^)(RCTShadowView *shadowView))block forTag:(NSNumber *)tag { RCTAssertMainQueue(); RCTExecuteOnUIManagerQueue(^{ RCTShadowView *shadowView = self->_shadowViewRegistry[tag]; if (shadowView == nil) { RCTLogInfo( @"Could not locate shadow view with tag #%@, this is probably caused by a temporary inconsistency between native views and shadow views.", tag); return; } block(shadowView); }); } - (void)setAvailableSize:(CGSize)availableSize forRootView:(UIView *)rootView { RCTAssertMainQueue(); [self _executeBlockWithShadowView:^(RCTShadowView *shadowView) { RCTAssert( [shadowView isKindOfClass:[RCTRootShadowView class]], @"Located shadow view is actually not root view."); RCTRootShadowView *rootShadowView = (RCTRootShadowView *)shadowView; if (CGSizeEqualToSize(availableSize, rootShadowView.availableSize)) { return; } rootShadowView.availableSize = availableSize; [self setNeedsLayout]; } forTag:rootView.reactTag]; } - (void)setLocalData:(NSObject *)localData forView:(UIView *)view { RCTAssertMainQueue(); [self _executeBlockWithShadowView:^(RCTShadowView *shadowView) { shadowView.localData = localData; [self setNeedsLayout]; } forTag:view.reactTag]; } - (UIView *)viewForNativeID:(NSString *)nativeID withRootTag:(NSNumber *)rootTag { if (!nativeID || !rootTag) { return nil; } UIView *view; @synchronized(self) { view = [_nativeIDRegistry objectForKey:RCTNativeIDRegistryKey(nativeID, rootTag)]; } return view; } - (void)setNativeID:(NSString *)nativeID forView:(UIView *)view { if (!nativeID || !view) { return; } __weak RCTUIManager *weakSelf = self; RCTExecuteOnUIManagerQueue(^{ NSNumber *rootTag = [weakSelf shadowViewForReactTag:view.reactTag].rootView.reactTag; @synchronized(weakSelf) { [weakSelf.nativeIDRegistry setObject:view forKey:RCTNativeIDRegistryKey(nativeID, rootTag)]; } }); } - (void)setSize:(CGSize)size forView:(UIView *)view { RCTAssertMainQueue(); [self _executeBlockWithShadowView:^(RCTShadowView *shadowView) { if (CGSizeEqualToSize(size, shadowView.size)) { return; } shadowView.size = size; [self setNeedsLayout]; } forTag:view.reactTag]; } - (void)setIntrinsicContentSize:(CGSize)intrinsicContentSize forView:(UIView *)view { RCTAssertMainQueue(); [self _executeBlockWithShadowView:^(RCTShadowView *shadowView) { if (CGSizeEqualToSize(shadowView.intrinsicContentSize, intrinsicContentSize)) { return; } shadowView.intrinsicContentSize = intrinsicContentSize; [self setNeedsLayout]; } forTag:view.reactTag]; } /** * Unregisters views from registries */ - (void)_purgeChildren:(NSArray> *)children fromRegistry:(NSMutableDictionary> *)registry { for (id child in children) { RCTTraverseViewNodes(registry[child.reactTag], ^(id subview) { RCTAssert(![subview isReactRootView], @"Root views should not be unregistered"); if ([subview conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTInvalidating)]) { [(id)subview invalidate]; } [registry removeObjectForKey:subview.reactTag]; }); } } - (void)addUIBlock:(RCTViewManagerUIBlock)block { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); if (!block || !_viewRegistry) { return; } [_pendingUIBlocks addObject:block]; } - (void)prependUIBlock:(RCTViewManagerUIBlock)block { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); if (!block || !_viewRegistry) { return; } [_pendingUIBlocks insertObject:block atIndex:0]; } - (void)setNextLayoutAnimationGroup:(RCTLayoutAnimationGroup *)layoutAnimationGroup { RCTAssertMainQueue(); if (_layoutAnimationGroup && ![_layoutAnimationGroup isEqual:layoutAnimationGroup]) { RCTLogWarn( @"Warning: Overriding previous layout animation with new one before the first began:\n%@ -> %@.", [_layoutAnimationGroup description], [layoutAnimationGroup description]); } _layoutAnimationGroup = layoutAnimationGroup; } - (RCTViewManagerUIBlock)uiBlockWithLayoutUpdateForRootView:(RCTRootShadowView *)rootShadowView { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); NSHashTable *affectedShadowViews = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable]; [rootShadowView layoutWithAffectedShadowViews:affectedShadowViews]; if (!affectedShadowViews.count) { // no frame change results in no UI update block return nil; } typedef struct { CGRect frame; UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection layoutDirection; BOOL isNew; BOOL parentIsNew; RCTDisplayType displayType; } RCTFrameData; // Construct arrays then hand off to main thread NSUInteger count = affectedShadowViews.count; NSMutableArray *reactTags = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count]; NSMutableData *framesData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:sizeof(RCTFrameData) * count]; { NSUInteger index = 0; RCTFrameData *frameDataArray = (RCTFrameData *)framesData.mutableBytes; for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in affectedShadowViews) { reactTags[index] = shadowView.reactTag; RCTLayoutMetrics layoutMetrics = shadowView.layoutMetrics; frameDataArray[index++] = (RCTFrameData){layoutMetrics.frame, layoutMetrics.layoutDirection, shadowView.isNewView, shadowView.superview.isNewView, layoutMetrics.displayType}; } } for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in affectedShadowViews) { // We have to do this after we build the parentsAreNew array. shadowView.newView = NO; NSNumber *reactTag = shadowView.reactTag; if (shadowView.onLayout) { CGRect frame = shadowView.layoutMetrics.frame; shadowView.onLayout(@{ @"layout" : @{ @"x" : @(frame.origin.x), @"y" : @(frame.origin.y), @"width" : @(frame.size.width), @"height" : @(frame.size.height), }, }); } if (RCTIsReactRootView(reactTag) && [shadowView isKindOfClass:[RCTRootShadowView class]]) { CGSize contentSize = shadowView.layoutMetrics.frame.size; RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(^{ UIView *view = self->_viewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTAssert(view != nil, @"view (for ID %@) not found", reactTag); RCTRootView *rootView = (RCTRootView *)[view superview]; if ([rootView isKindOfClass:[RCTRootView class]]) { rootView.intrinsicContentSize = contentSize; } }); } } // Perform layout (possibly animated) return ^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { const RCTFrameData *frameDataArray = (const RCTFrameData *)framesData.bytes; RCTLayoutAnimationGroup *layoutAnimationGroup = uiManager->_layoutAnimationGroup; __block NSUInteger completionsCalled = 0; NSInteger index = 0; for (NSNumber *reactTag in reactTags) { RCTFrameData frameData = frameDataArray[index++]; UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; CGRect frame = frameData.frame; UIUserInterfaceLayoutDirection layoutDirection = frameData.layoutDirection; BOOL isNew = frameData.isNew; RCTLayoutAnimation *updatingLayoutAnimation = isNew ? nil : layoutAnimationGroup.updatingLayoutAnimation; BOOL shouldAnimateCreation = isNew && !frameData.parentIsNew; RCTLayoutAnimation *creatingLayoutAnimation = shouldAnimateCreation ? layoutAnimationGroup.creatingLayoutAnimation : nil; BOOL isHidden = frameData.displayType == RCTDisplayTypeNone; void (^completion)(BOOL) = ^(BOOL finished) { completionsCalled++; if (layoutAnimationGroup.callback && completionsCalled == count) { layoutAnimationGroup.callback(@[ @(finished) ]); // It's unsafe to call this callback more than once, so we nil it out here // to make sure that doesn't happen. layoutAnimationGroup.callback = nil; } }; if (view.reactLayoutDirection != layoutDirection) { view.reactLayoutDirection = layoutDirection; } if (view.isHidden != isHidden) { view.hidden = isHidden; } if (creatingLayoutAnimation) { // Animate view creation [view reactSetFrame:frame]; CATransform3D finalTransform = view.layer.transform; CGFloat finalOpacity = view.layer.opacity; NSString *property = creatingLayoutAnimation.property; if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleXY"]) { view.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0, 0, 0); } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleX"]) { view.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0, 1, 0); } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleY"]) { view.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(1, 0, 0); } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"opacity"]) { view.layer.opacity = 0.0; } else { RCTLogError(@"Unsupported layout animation createConfig property %@", creatingLayoutAnimation.property); } [creatingLayoutAnimation performAnimations:^{ if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleX"] || [property isEqualToString:@"scaleY"] || [property isEqualToString:@"scaleXY"]) { view.layer.transform = finalTransform; } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"opacity"]) { view.layer.opacity = finalOpacity; } } withCompletionBlock:completion]; } else if (updatingLayoutAnimation) { // Animate view update [updatingLayoutAnimation performAnimations:^{ [view reactSetFrame:frame]; } withCompletionBlock:completion]; } else { // Update without animation [view reactSetFrame:frame]; completion(YES); } } // Clean up uiManager->_layoutAnimationGroup = nil; }; } /** * A method to be called from JS, which takes a container ID and then releases * all subviews for that container upon receipt. */ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID : (nonnull NSNumber *)containerID) { RCTLogWarn( @"RCTUIManager.removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID method is deprecated and it will not be implemented in newer versions of RN (Fabric) - T47686450"); id container = _shadowViewRegistry[containerID]; RCTAssert(container != nil, @"container view (for ID %@) not found", containerID); NSUInteger subviewsCount = [container reactSubviews].count; NSMutableArray *indices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:subviewsCount]; for (NSUInteger childIndex = 0; childIndex < subviewsCount; childIndex++) { [indices addObject:@(childIndex)]; } [self manageChildren:containerID moveFromIndices:nil moveToIndices:nil addChildReactTags:nil addAtIndices:nil removeAtIndices:indices]; } /** * Disassociates children from container. Doesn't remove from registries. * TODO: use [NSArray getObjects:buffer] to reuse same fast buffer each time. * * @returns Array of removed items. */ - (NSArray> *)_childrenToRemoveFromContainer:(id)container atIndices:(NSArray *)atIndices { // If there are no indices to move or the container has no subviews don't bother // We support parents with nil subviews so long as they're all nil so this allows for this behavior if (atIndices.count == 0 || [container reactSubviews].count == 0) { return nil; } // Construction of removed children must be done "up front", before indices are disturbed by removals. NSMutableArray> *removedChildren = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:atIndices.count]; RCTAssert(container != nil, @"container view (for ID %@) not found", container); for (NSNumber *indexNumber in atIndices) { NSUInteger index = indexNumber.unsignedIntegerValue; if (index < [container reactSubviews].count) { [removedChildren addObject:[container reactSubviews][index]]; } } if (removedChildren.count != atIndices.count) { NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"removedChildren count (%tu) was not what we expected (%tu)", removedChildren.count, atIndices.count]; RCTFatal(RCTErrorWithMessage(message)); } return removedChildren; } - (void)_removeChildren:(NSArray> *)children fromContainer:(id)container { for (id removedChild in children) { [container removeReactSubview:removedChild]; } } /** * Remove subviews from their parent with an animation. */ - (void)_removeChildren:(NSArray *)children fromContainer:(UIView *)container withAnimation:(RCTLayoutAnimationGroup *)animation { RCTAssertMainQueue(); RCTLayoutAnimation *deletingLayoutAnimation = animation.deletingLayoutAnimation; __block NSUInteger completionsCalled = 0; for (UIView *removedChild in children) { void (^completion)(BOOL) = ^(BOOL finished) { completionsCalled++; [removedChild removeFromSuperview]; if (animation.callback && completionsCalled == children.count) { animation.callback(@[ @(finished) ]); // It's unsafe to call this callback more than once, so we nil it out here // to make sure that doesn't happen. animation.callback = nil; } }; // Hack: At this moment we have two contradict intents. // First one: We want to delete the view from view hierarchy. // Second one: We want to animate this view, which implies the existence of this view in the hierarchy. // So, we have to remove this view from React's view hierarchy but postpone removing from UIKit's hierarchy. // Here the problem: the default implementation of `-[UIView removeReactSubview:]` also removes the view from // UIKit's hierarchy. So, let's temporary restore the view back after removing. To do so, we have to memorize // original `superview` (which can differ from `container`) and an index of removed view. UIView *originalSuperview = removedChild.superview; NSUInteger originalIndex = [originalSuperview.subviews indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:removedChild]; [container removeReactSubview:removedChild]; // Disable user interaction while the view is animating // since the view is (conceptually) deleted and not supposed to be interactive. removedChild.userInteractionEnabled = NO; [originalSuperview insertSubview:removedChild atIndex:originalIndex]; NSString *property = deletingLayoutAnimation.property; [deletingLayoutAnimation performAnimations:^{ if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleXY"]) { removedChild.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0.001, 0.001, 0.001); } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleX"]) { removedChild.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(0.001, 1, 0.001); } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"scaleY"]) { removedChild.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(1, 0.001, 0.001); } else if ([property isEqualToString:@"opacity"]) { removedChild.layer.opacity = 0.0; } else { RCTLogError(@"Unsupported layout animation createConfig property %@", deletingLayoutAnimation.property); } } withCompletionBlock:completion]; } } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(removeRootView : (nonnull NSNumber *)rootReactTag) { RCTShadowView *rootShadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[rootReactTag]; RCTAssert(rootShadowView.superview == nil, @"root view cannot have superview (ID %@)", rootReactTag); [self _purgeChildren:(NSArray> *)rootShadowView.reactSubviews fromRegistry:(NSMutableDictionary> *)_shadowViewRegistry]; [_shadowViewRegistry removeObjectForKey:rootReactTag]; [_rootViewTags removeObject:rootReactTag]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { RCTAssertMainQueue(); UIView *rootView = viewRegistry[rootReactTag]; [uiManager _purgeChildren:(NSArray> *)rootView.reactSubviews fromRegistry:(NSMutableDictionary> *)viewRegistry]; [(NSMutableDictionary *)viewRegistry removeObjectForKey:rootReactTag]; }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(replaceExistingNonRootView : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag withView : (nonnull NSNumber *)newReactTag) { RCTLogWarn( @"RCTUIManager.replaceExistingNonRootView method is deprecated and it will not be implemented in newer versions of RN (Fabric) - T47686450"); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTAssert(shadowView != nil, @"shadowView (for ID %@) not found", reactTag); RCTShadowView *superShadowView = shadowView.superview; if (!superShadowView) { RCTAssert(NO, @"shadowView super (of ID %@) not found", reactTag); return; } NSUInteger indexOfView = [superShadowView.reactSubviews indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:shadowView]; RCTAssert(indexOfView != NSNotFound, @"View's superview doesn't claim it as subview (id %@)", reactTag); NSArray *removeAtIndices = @[ @(indexOfView) ]; NSArray *addTags = @[ newReactTag ]; [self manageChildren:superShadowView.reactTag moveFromIndices:nil moveToIndices:nil addChildReactTags:addTags addAtIndices:removeAtIndices removeAtIndices:removeAtIndices]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(setChildren : (nonnull NSNumber *)containerTag reactTags : (NSArray *)reactTags) { RCTSetChildren(containerTag, reactTags, (NSDictionary> *)_shadowViewRegistry); [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { RCTSetChildren(containerTag, reactTags, (NSDictionary> *)viewRegistry); }]; [self _shadowViewDidReceiveUpdatedChildren:_shadowViewRegistry[containerTag]]; } static void RCTSetChildren( NSNumber *containerTag, NSArray *reactTags, NSDictionary> *registry) { id container = registry[containerTag]; NSInteger index = 0; for (NSNumber *reactTag in reactTags) { id view = registry[reactTag]; if (view) { [container insertReactSubview:view atIndex:index++]; } } } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(manageChildren : (nonnull NSNumber *)containerTag moveFromIndices : (NSArray *)moveFromIndices moveToIndices : (NSArray *)moveToIndices addChildReactTags : (NSArray *)addChildReactTags addAtIndices : (NSArray *)addAtIndices removeAtIndices : (NSArray *)removeAtIndices) { [self _manageChildren:containerTag moveFromIndices:moveFromIndices moveToIndices:moveToIndices addChildReactTags:addChildReactTags addAtIndices:addAtIndices removeAtIndices:removeAtIndices registry:(NSMutableDictionary> *)_shadowViewRegistry]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { [uiManager _manageChildren:containerTag moveFromIndices:moveFromIndices moveToIndices:moveToIndices addChildReactTags:addChildReactTags addAtIndices:addAtIndices removeAtIndices:removeAtIndices registry:(NSMutableDictionary> *)viewRegistry]; }]; [self _shadowViewDidReceiveUpdatedChildren:_shadowViewRegistry[containerTag]]; } - (void)_manageChildren:(NSNumber *)containerTag moveFromIndices:(NSArray *)moveFromIndices moveToIndices:(NSArray *)moveToIndices addChildReactTags:(NSArray *)addChildReactTags addAtIndices:(NSArray *)addAtIndices removeAtIndices:(NSArray *)removeAtIndices registry:(NSMutableDictionary> *)registry { id container = registry[containerTag]; RCTAssert( moveFromIndices.count == moveToIndices.count, @"moveFromIndices had size %tu, moveToIndices had size %tu", moveFromIndices.count, moveToIndices.count); RCTAssert(addChildReactTags.count == addAtIndices.count, @"there should be at least one React child to add"); // Removes (both permanent and temporary moves) are using "before" indices NSArray> *permanentlyRemovedChildren = [self _childrenToRemoveFromContainer:container atIndices:removeAtIndices]; NSArray> *temporarilyRemovedChildren = [self _childrenToRemoveFromContainer:container atIndices:moveFromIndices]; BOOL isUIViewRegistry = ((id)registry == (id)_viewRegistry); if (isUIViewRegistry && _layoutAnimationGroup.deletingLayoutAnimation) { [self _removeChildren:(NSArray *)permanentlyRemovedChildren fromContainer:(UIView *)container withAnimation:_layoutAnimationGroup]; } else { [self _removeChildren:permanentlyRemovedChildren fromContainer:container]; } [self _removeChildren:temporarilyRemovedChildren fromContainer:container]; [self _purgeChildren:permanentlyRemovedChildren fromRegistry:registry]; // Figure out what to insert - merge temporary inserts and adds NSMutableDictionary *destinationsToChildrenToAdd = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (NSInteger index = 0, length = temporarilyRemovedChildren.count; index < length; index++) { destinationsToChildrenToAdd[moveToIndices[index]] = temporarilyRemovedChildren[index]; } for (NSInteger index = 0, length = addAtIndices.count; index < length; index++) { id view = registry[addChildReactTags[index]]; if (view) { destinationsToChildrenToAdd[addAtIndices[index]] = view; } } NSArray *sortedIndices = [destinationsToChildrenToAdd.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; for (NSNumber *reactIndex in sortedIndices) { [container insertReactSubview:destinationsToChildrenToAdd[reactIndex] atIndex:reactIndex.integerValue]; } } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(createView : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag viewName : (NSString *)viewName rootTag : (nonnull NSNumber *)rootTag props : (NSDictionary *)props) { RCTComponentData *componentData = _componentDataByName[viewName]; if (componentData == nil) { RCTLogError(@"No component found for view with name \"%@\"", viewName); } // Register shadow view RCTShadowView *shadowView = [componentData createShadowViewWithTag:reactTag]; if (shadowView) { [componentData setProps:props forShadowView:shadowView]; _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag] = shadowView; RCTShadowView *rootView = _shadowViewRegistry[rootTag]; RCTAssert( [rootView isKindOfClass:[RCTRootShadowView class]] || [rootView isKindOfClass:[RCTSurfaceRootShadowView class]], @"Given `rootTag` (%@) does not correspond to a valid root shadow view instance.", rootTag); shadowView.rootView = (RCTRootShadowView *)rootView; } // Dispatch view creation directly to the main thread instead of adding to // UIBlocks array. This way, it doesn't get deferred until after layout. __block UIView *preliminaryCreatedView = nil; void (^createViewBlock)(void) = ^{ // Do nothing on the second run. if (preliminaryCreatedView) { return; } preliminaryCreatedView = [componentData createViewWithTag:reactTag rootTag:rootTag]; if (preliminaryCreatedView) { self->_viewRegistry[reactTag] = preliminaryCreatedView; } }; // We cannot guarantee that asynchronously scheduled block will be executed // *before* a block is added to the regular mounting process (simply because // mounting process can be managed externally while the main queue is // locked). // So, we positively dispatch it asynchronously and double check inside // the regular mounting block. RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(createViewBlock); [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, __unused NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { createViewBlock(); if (preliminaryCreatedView) { [componentData setProps:props forView:preliminaryCreatedView]; } }]; [self _shadowView:shadowView didReceiveUpdatedProps:[props allKeys]]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(updateView : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag viewName : (NSString *)viewName // not always reliable, use shadowView.viewName if available props : (NSDictionary *)props) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTComponentData *componentData = _componentDataByName[shadowView.viewName ?: viewName]; [componentData setProps:props forShadowView:shadowView]; [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; [componentData setProps:props forView:view]; }]; [self _shadowView:shadowView didReceiveUpdatedProps:[props allKeys]]; } - (void)synchronouslyUpdateViewOnUIThread:(NSNumber *)reactTag viewName:(NSString *)viewName props:(NSDictionary *)props { RCTAssertMainQueue(); RCTComponentData *componentData = _componentDataByName[viewName]; UIView *view = _viewRegistry[reactTag]; [componentData setProps:props forView:view]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(focus : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *newResponder = viewRegistry[reactTag]; [newResponder reactFocus]; }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(blur : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *currentResponder = viewRegistry[reactTag]; [currentResponder reactBlur]; }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(findSubviewIn : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag atPoint : (CGPoint)point callback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; UIView *target = [view hitTest:point withEvent:nil]; CGRect frame = [target convertRect:target.bounds toView:view]; while (target.reactTag == nil && target.superview != nil) { target = target.superview; } callback(@[ RCTNullIfNil(target.reactTag), @(frame.origin.x), @(frame.origin.y), @(frame.size.width), @(frame.size.height), ]); }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(dispatchViewManagerCommand : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag commandID : (id /*(NSString or NSNumber) */)commandID commandArgs : (NSArray *)commandArgs) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTComponentData *componentData = _componentDataByName[shadowView.viewName]; // Achtung! Achtung! // This is a remarkably hacky and ugly workaround. // We need this only temporary for some testing. We need this hack until Fabric fully implements command-execution // pipeline. This does not affect non-Fabric apps. #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector" if (!componentData) { __block UIView *view; RCTUnsafeExecuteOnMainQueueSync(^{ view = self->_viewRegistry[reactTag]; }); if ([view respondsToSelector:@selector(componentViewName_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_IS_BROKEN)]) { NSString *name = [view performSelector:@selector(componentViewName_DO_NOT_USE_THIS_IS_BROKEN)]; componentData = _componentDataByName[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"RCT%@", name]]; } } #pragma clang diagnostic pop Class managerClass = componentData.managerClass; RCTModuleData *moduleData = [_bridge moduleDataForName:RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(managerClass)]; id method; if ([commandID isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) { method = moduleData.methods[[commandID intValue]]; } else if ([commandID isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { method = moduleData.methodsByName[commandID]; if (method == nil) { RCTLogError(@"No command found with name \"%@\"", commandID); } } else { RCTLogError(@"dispatchViewManagerCommand must be called with a string or integer command"); return; } NSArray *args = [@[ reactTag ] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:commandArgs]; [method invokeWithBridge:_bridge module:componentData.manager arguments:args]; } - (void)batchDidComplete { [self _layoutAndMount]; } /** * Sets up animations, computes layout, creates UI mounting blocks for computed layout, * runs these blocks and all other already existing blocks. */ - (void)_layoutAndMount { [self _dispatchPropsDidChangeEvents]; [self _dispatchChildrenDidChangeEvents]; [_observerCoordinator uiManagerWillPerformLayout:self]; // Perform layout for (NSNumber *reactTag in _rootViewTags) { RCTRootShadowView *rootView = (RCTRootShadowView *)_shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; [self addUIBlock:[self uiBlockWithLayoutUpdateForRootView:rootView]]; } [_observerCoordinator uiManagerDidPerformLayout:self]; [_observerCoordinator uiManagerWillPerformMounting:self]; [self flushUIBlocksWithCompletion:^{ [self->_observerCoordinator uiManagerDidPerformMounting:self]; }]; } - (void)flushUIBlocksWithCompletion:(void (^)(void))completion { RCTAssertUIManagerQueue(); // First copy the previous blocks into a temporary variable, then reset the // pending blocks to a new array. This guards against mutation while // processing the pending blocks in another thread. NSArray *previousPendingUIBlocks = _pendingUIBlocks; _pendingUIBlocks = [NSMutableArray new]; if (previousPendingUIBlocks.count == 0) { completion(); return; } __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; void (^mountingBlock)(void) = ^{ typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf; @try { for (RCTViewManagerUIBlock block in previousPendingUIBlocks) { block(strongSelf, strongSelf->_viewRegistry); } } @catch (NSException *exception) { RCTLogError(@"Exception thrown while executing UI block: %@", exception); } }; if ([self.observerCoordinator uiManager:self performMountingWithBlock:mountingBlock]) { completion(); return; } // Execute the previously queued UI blocks RCTProfileBeginFlowEvent(); RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(^{ RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(); RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @"-[UIManager flushUIBlocks]", (@{ @"count" : [@(previousPendingUIBlocks.count) stringValue], })); mountingBlock(); RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(RCTProfileTagAlways, @""); RCTExecuteOnUIManagerQueue(completion); }); } - (void)setNeedsLayout { // If there is an active batch layout will happen when batch finished, so we will wait for that. // Otherwise we immediately trigger layout. if (![_bridge isBatchActive] && ![_bridge isLoading]) { [self _layoutAndMount]; } } - (void)_shadowView:(RCTShadowView *)shadowView didReceiveUpdatedProps:(NSArray *)props { // We collect a set with changed `shadowViews` and its changed props, // so we have to maintain this collection properly. NSArray *previousProps; if ((previousProps = [_shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps objectForKey:shadowView])) { // Merging already registered changed props and new ones. NSMutableSet *set = [NSMutableSet setWithArray:previousProps]; [set addObjectsFromArray:props]; props = [set allObjects]; } [_shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps setObject:props forKey:shadowView]; } - (void)_shadowViewDidReceiveUpdatedChildren:(RCTShadowView *)shadowView { [_shadowViewsWithUpdatedChildren addObject:shadowView]; } - (void)_dispatchChildrenDidChangeEvents { if (_shadowViewsWithUpdatedChildren.count == 0) { return; } NSHashTable *shadowViews = _shadowViewsWithUpdatedChildren; _shadowViewsWithUpdatedChildren = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable]; NSMutableArray *tags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:shadowViews.count]; for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in shadowViews) { [shadowView didUpdateReactSubviews]; [tags addObject:shadowView.reactTag]; } [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { for (NSNumber *tag in tags) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[tag]; [view didUpdateReactSubviews]; } }]; } - (void)_dispatchPropsDidChangeEvents { if (_shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps.count == 0) { return; } NSMapTable *> *shadowViews = _shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps; _shadowViewsWithUpdatedProps = [NSMapTable weakToStrongObjectsMapTable]; NSMapTable *> *tags = [NSMapTable strongToStrongObjectsMapTable]; for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in shadowViews) { NSArray *props = [shadowViews objectForKey:shadowView]; [shadowView didSetProps:props]; [tags setObject:props forKey:shadowView.reactTag]; } [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { for (NSNumber *tag in tags) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[tag]; [view didSetProps:[tags objectForKey:tag]]; } }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(measure : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag callback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if (!view) { // this view was probably collapsed out RCTLogWarn(@"measure cannot find view with tag #%@", reactTag); callback(@[]); return; } // If in a , rootView will be the root of the modal container. UIView *rootView = view; while (rootView.superview && ![rootView isReactRootView]) { rootView = rootView.superview; } // By convention, all coordinates, whether they be touch coordinates, or // measurement coordinates are with respect to the root view. CGRect frame = view.frame; CGRect globalBounds = [view convertRect:view.bounds toView:rootView]; callback(@[ @(frame.origin.x), @(frame.origin.y), @(globalBounds.size.width), @(globalBounds.size.height), @(globalBounds.origin.x), @(globalBounds.origin.y), ]); }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(measureInWindow : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag callback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if (!view) { // this view was probably collapsed out RCTLogWarn(@"measure cannot find view with tag #%@", reactTag); callback(@[]); return; } // Return frame coordinates in window CGRect windowFrame = [view.window convertRect:view.frame fromView:view.superview]; callback(@[ @(windowFrame.origin.x), @(windowFrame.origin.y), @(windowFrame.size.width), @(windowFrame.size.height), ]); }]; } /** * Returns if the shadow view provided has the `ancestor` shadow view as * an actual ancestor. */ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(viewIsDescendantOf : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag ancestor : (nonnull NSNumber *)ancestorReactTag callback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTShadowView *ancestorShadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[ancestorReactTag]; if (!shadowView) { return; } if (!ancestorShadowView) { return; } BOOL viewIsAncestor = [shadowView viewIsDescendantOf:ancestorShadowView]; callback(@[ @(viewIsAncestor) ]); } static void RCTMeasureLayout(RCTShadowView *view, RCTShadowView *ancestor, RCTResponseSenderBlock callback) { if (!view) { return; } if (!ancestor) { return; } CGRect result = [view measureLayoutRelativeToAncestor:ancestor]; if (CGRectIsNull(result)) { RCTLogError( @"view %@ (tag #%@) is not a descendant of %@ (tag #%@)", view, view.reactTag, ancestor, ancestor.reactTag); return; } CGFloat leftOffset = result.origin.x; CGFloat topOffset = result.origin.y; CGFloat width = result.size.width; CGFloat height = result.size.height; if (isnan(leftOffset) || isnan(topOffset) || isnan(width) || isnan(height)) { RCTLogError(@"Attempted to measure layout but offset or dimensions were NaN"); return; } callback(@[ @(leftOffset), @(topOffset), @(width), @(height) ]); } /** * Returns the computed recursive offset layout in a dictionary form. The * returned values are relative to the `ancestor` shadow view. Returns `nil`, if * the `ancestor` shadow view is not actually an `ancestor`. Does not touch * anything on the main UI thread. Invokes supplied callback with (x, y, width, * height). */ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(measureLayout : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag relativeTo : (nonnull NSNumber *)ancestorReactTag errorCallback : (__unused RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback callback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTShadowView *ancestorShadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[ancestorReactTag]; RCTMeasureLayout(shadowView, ancestorShadowView, callback); } /** * Returns the computed recursive offset layout in a dictionary form. The * returned values are relative to the `ancestor` shadow view. Returns `nil`, if * the `ancestor` shadow view is not actually an `ancestor`. Does not touch * anything on the main UI thread. Invokes supplied callback with (x, y, width, * height). */ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(measureLayoutRelativeToParent : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag errorCallback : (__unused RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback callback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback) { RCTLogWarn( @"RCTUIManager.measureLayoutRelativeToParent method is deprecated and it will not be implemented in newer versions of RN (Fabric) - T47686450"); RCTShadowView *shadowView = _shadowViewRegistry[reactTag]; RCTMeasureLayout(shadowView, shadowView.reactSuperview, callback); } /** * JS sets what *it* considers to be the responder. Later, scroll views can use * this in order to determine if scrolling is appropriate. */ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(setJSResponder : (nonnull NSNumber *)reactTag blockNativeResponder : (__unused BOOL)blockNativeResponder) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { _jsResponder = viewRegistry[reactTag]; if (!_jsResponder) { RCTLogWarn(@"Invalid view set to be the JS responder - tag %@", reactTag); } }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(clearJSResponder) { [self addUIBlock:^(__unused RCTUIManager *uiManager, __unused NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { _jsResponder = nil; }]; } static NSMutableDictionary *moduleConstantsForComponent( NSMutableDictionary *directEvents, NSMutableDictionary *bubblingEvents, RCTComponentData *componentData) { NSMutableDictionary *moduleConstants = [NSMutableDictionary new]; // Register which event-types this view dispatches. // React needs this for the event plugin. NSMutableDictionary *bubblingEventTypes = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *directEventTypes = [NSMutableDictionary new]; // Add manager class moduleConstants[@"Manager"] = RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(componentData.managerClass); // Add native props NSDictionary *viewConfig = [componentData viewConfig]; moduleConstants[@"NativeProps"] = viewConfig[@"propTypes"]; moduleConstants[@"baseModuleName"] = viewConfig[@"baseModuleName"]; moduleConstants[@"bubblingEventTypes"] = bubblingEventTypes; moduleConstants[@"directEventTypes"] = directEventTypes; // Add direct events for (NSString *eventName in viewConfig[@"directEvents"]) { if (!directEvents[eventName]) { directEvents[eventName] = @{ @"registrationName" : [eventName stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, 3} withString:@"on"], }; } directEventTypes[eventName] = directEvents[eventName]; if (RCT_DEBUG && bubblingEvents[eventName]) { RCTLogError( @"Component '%@' re-registered bubbling event '%@' as a " "direct event", componentData.name, eventName); } } // Add bubbling events for (NSString *eventName in viewConfig[@"bubblingEvents"]) { if (!bubblingEvents[eventName]) { NSString *bubbleName = [eventName stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0, 3} withString:@"on"]; bubblingEvents[eventName] = @{ @"phasedRegistrationNames" : @{ @"bubbled" : bubbleName, @"captured" : [bubbleName stringByAppendingString:@"Capture"], } }; } bubblingEventTypes[eventName] = bubblingEvents[eventName]; if (RCT_DEBUG && directEvents[eventName]) { RCTLogError( @"Component '%@' re-registered direct event '%@' as a " "bubbling event", componentData.name, eventName); } } return moduleConstants; } - (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport { return [self getConstants]; } - (NSDictionary *)getConstants { NSMutableDictionary *constants = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *directEvents = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *bubblingEvents = [NSMutableDictionary new]; [_componentDataByName enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *name, RCTComponentData *componentData, __unused BOOL *stop) { RCTAssert(!constants[name], @"UIManager already has constants for %@", componentData.name); NSMutableDictionary *moduleConstants = moduleConstantsForComponent(directEvents, bubblingEvents, componentData); constants[name] = moduleConstants; }]; return constants; } RCT_EXPORT_BLOCKING_SYNCHRONOUS_METHOD(lazilyLoadView : (NSString *)name) { if (_componentDataByName[name]) { return @{}; } id delegate = self.bridge.delegate; if (![delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(bridge:didNotFindModule:)]) { return @{}; } NSString *moduleName = name; BOOL result = [delegate bridge:self.bridge didNotFindModule:moduleName]; if (!result) { moduleName = [name stringByAppendingString:@"Manager"]; result = [delegate bridge:self.bridge didNotFindModule:moduleName]; } if (!result) { return @{}; } id module = [self.bridge moduleForName:moduleName lazilyLoadIfNecessary:RCTTurboModuleEnabled()]; if (module == nil) { // There is all sorts of code in this codebase that drops prefixes. // // If we didn't find a module, it's possible because it's stored under a key // which had RCT Prefixes stripped. Lets check one more time... module = [self.bridge moduleForName:RCTDropReactPrefixes(moduleName) lazilyLoadIfNecessary:RCTTurboModuleEnabled()]; } if (!module) { return @{}; } RCTComponentData *componentData = [[RCTComponentData alloc] initWithManagerClass:[module class] bridge:self.bridge]; _componentDataByName[componentData.name] = componentData; NSMutableDictionary *directEvents = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *bubblingEvents = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSMutableDictionary *moduleConstants = moduleConstantsForComponent(directEvents, bubblingEvents, componentData); return @{ @"viewConfig" : moduleConstants, }; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(configureNextLayoutAnimation : (NSDictionary *)config withCallback : (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback errorCallback : (__unused RCTResponseSenderBlock)errorCallback) { RCTLayoutAnimationGroup *layoutAnimationGroup = [[RCTLayoutAnimationGroup alloc] initWithConfig:config callback:callback]; [self addUIBlock:^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, __unused NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { [uiManager setNextLayoutAnimationGroup:layoutAnimationGroup]; }]; } - (void)rootViewForReactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag withCompletion:(void (^)(UIView *view))completion { RCTAssertMainQueue(); RCTAssert(completion != nil, @"Attempted to resolve rootView for tag %@ without a completion block", reactTag); if (reactTag == nil) { completion(nil); return; } RCTExecuteOnUIManagerQueue(^{ NSNumber *rootTag = [self shadowViewForReactTag:reactTag].rootView.reactTag; RCTExecuteOnMainQueue(^{ UIView *rootView = nil; if (rootTag != nil) { rootView = [self viewForReactTag:rootTag]; } completion(rootView); }); }); } static UIView *_jsResponder; + (UIView *)JSResponder { return _jsResponder; } @end @implementation RCTBridge (RCTUIManager) - (RCTUIManager *)uiManager { return [self moduleForClass:[RCTUIManager class]]; } @end