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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00

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export declare type JSONValue = boolean | number | string | null | JSONArray | JSONObject;
export interface JSONArray extends Array<JSONValue> {
export interface JSONObject {
[key: string]: JSONValue | undefined;
declare type Defined<T> = T extends undefined ? never : T;
declare type Options<TJSONObject extends JSONObject> = {
badJsonDefault?: TJSONObject;
jsonParseErrorDefault?: TJSONObject;
cantReadFileDefault?: TJSONObject;
ensureDir?: boolean;
default?: TJSONObject;
json5?: boolean;
space?: number;
addNewLineAtEOF?: boolean;
* The JsonFile class represents the contents of json file.
* It's polymorphic on "JSONObject", which is a simple type representing
* and object with string keys and either objects or primitive types as values.
* @type {[type]}
export default class JsonFile<TJSONObject extends JSONObject> {
file: string;
options: Options<TJSONObject>;
static read: typeof read;
static readAsync: typeof readAsync;
static parseJsonString: typeof parseJsonString;
static writeAsync: typeof writeAsync;
static getAsync: typeof getAsync;
static setAsync: typeof setAsync;
static mergeAsync: typeof mergeAsync;
static deleteKeyAsync: typeof deleteKeyAsync;
static deleteKeysAsync: typeof deleteKeysAsync;
static rewriteAsync: typeof rewriteAsync;
constructor(file: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>);
read(options?: Options<TJSONObject>): TJSONObject;
readAsync(options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
writeAsync(object: TJSONObject, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
parseJsonString(json: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): TJSONObject;
getAsync<K extends keyof TJSONObject, TDefault extends TJSONObject[K] | null>(key: K, defaultValue: TDefault, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<Defined<TJSONObject[K]> | TDefault>;
setAsync(key: string, value: unknown, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
mergeAsync(sources: Partial<TJSONObject> | Partial<TJSONObject>[], options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
deleteKeyAsync(key: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
deleteKeysAsync(keys: string[], options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
rewriteAsync(options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
_getOptions(options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Options<TJSONObject>;
declare function read<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): TJSONObject;
declare function readAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
declare function parseJsonString<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(json: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>, fileName?: string): TJSONObject;
declare function getAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject, K extends keyof TJSONObject, DefaultValue>(file: string, key: K, defaultValue: DefaultValue, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<any>;
declare function writeAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, object: TJSONObject, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
declare function setAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, key: string, value: unknown, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
declare function mergeAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, sources: Partial<TJSONObject> | Partial<TJSONObject>[], options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
declare function deleteKeyAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, key: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
declare function deleteKeysAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, keys: string[], options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
declare function rewriteAsync<TJSONObject extends JSONObject>(file: string, options?: Options<TJSONObject>): Promise<TJSONObject>;
export {};