76 lines
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76 lines
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import { getSupport } from 'caniuse-api';
import propertyMap from './maps/propertyMap';
var prefixBrowserMap = {
chrome: 'Webkit',
safari: 'Webkit',
firefox: 'Moz',
opera: 'Webkit',
ie: 'ms',
edge: 'ms',
ios_saf: 'Webkit',
android: 'Webkit',
and_chr: 'Webkit',
and_uc: 'Webkit',
op_mini: 'Webkit',
ie_mob: 'ms'
// remove flexprops from IE
};var flexPropsIE = ['alignContent', 'alignSelf', 'alignItems', 'justifyContent', 'order', 'flexGrow', 'flexShrink', 'flexBasis'];
function filterAndRemoveIfEmpty(map, property, filter) {
if (map[property]) {
map[property] = map[property].filter(filter);
if (map[property].length === 0) {
delete map[property];
export default function generatePrefixMap(browserList) {
var prefixMap = {};
for (var browser in prefixBrowserMap) {
var prefix = prefixBrowserMap[browser];
for (var keyword in propertyMap) {
var keywordProperties = [].concat(propertyMap[keyword]);
var versions = getSupport(keyword);
for (var i = 0, len = keywordProperties.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (versions[browser].x >= browserList[browser]) {
var property = keywordProperties[i];
if (!prefixMap[property]) {
prefixMap[property] = [];
if (prefixMap[property].indexOf(prefix) === -1) {
// remove flexProps from IE and Firefox due to alternative syntax
for (var _i = 0, _len = flexPropsIE.length; _i < _len; ++_i) {
filterAndRemoveIfEmpty(prefixMap, flexPropsIE[_i], function (prefix) {
return prefix !== 'ms' && prefix !== 'Moz';
// remove transition from Moz and Webkit as they are handled
// specially by the transition plugins
filterAndRemoveIfEmpty(prefixMap, 'transition', function (prefix) {
return prefix !== 'Moz' && prefix !== 'Webkit';
// remove WebkitFlexDirection as it does not exist
filterAndRemoveIfEmpty(prefixMap, 'flexDirection', function (prefix) {
return prefix !== 'Moz';
return prefixMap;
} |