232 lines
7.6 KiB
232 lines
7.6 KiB
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import "RCTAssert.h"
#import "RCTLog.h"
NSString *const RCTErrorDomain = @"RCTErrorDomain";
NSString *const RCTJSStackTraceKey = @"RCTJSStackTraceKey";
NSString *const RCTJSRawStackTraceKey = @"RCTJSRawStackTraceKey";
NSString *const RCTFatalExceptionName = @"RCTFatalException";
NSString *const RCTUntruncatedMessageKey = @"RCTUntruncatedMessageKey";
static NSString *const RCTAssertFunctionStack = @"RCTAssertFunctionStack";
RCTAssertFunction RCTCurrentAssertFunction = nil;
RCTFatalHandler RCTCurrentFatalHandler = nil;
RCTFatalExceptionHandler RCTCurrentFatalExceptionHandler = nil;
NSException *_RCTNotImplementedException(SEL, Class);
NSException *_RCTNotImplementedException(SEL cmd, Class cls)
NSString *msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%s is not implemented "
"for the class %@",
return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"RCTNotDesignatedInitializerException" reason:msg userInfo:nil];
void RCTSetAssertFunction(RCTAssertFunction assertFunction)
RCTCurrentAssertFunction = assertFunction;
RCTAssertFunction RCTGetAssertFunction(void)
return RCTCurrentAssertFunction;
void RCTAddAssertFunction(RCTAssertFunction assertFunction)
RCTAssertFunction existing = RCTCurrentAssertFunction;
if (existing) {
RCTCurrentAssertFunction =
^(NSString *condition, NSString *fileName, NSNumber *lineNumber, NSString *function, NSString *message) {
existing(condition, fileName, lineNumber, function, message);
assertFunction(condition, fileName, lineNumber, function, message);
} else {
RCTCurrentAssertFunction = assertFunction;
* returns the topmost stacked assert function for the current thread, which
* may not be the same as the current value of RCTCurrentAssertFunction.
static RCTAssertFunction RCTGetLocalAssertFunction()
NSMutableDictionary *threadDictionary = [NSThread currentThread].threadDictionary;
NSArray<RCTAssertFunction> *functionStack = threadDictionary[RCTAssertFunctionStack];
RCTAssertFunction assertFunction = functionStack.lastObject;
if (assertFunction) {
return assertFunction;
return RCTCurrentAssertFunction;
void RCTPerformBlockWithAssertFunction(void (^block)(void), RCTAssertFunction assertFunction)
NSMutableDictionary *threadDictionary = [NSThread currentThread].threadDictionary;
NSMutableArray<RCTAssertFunction> *functionStack = threadDictionary[RCTAssertFunctionStack];
if (!functionStack) {
functionStack = [NSMutableArray new];
threadDictionary[RCTAssertFunctionStack] = functionStack;
[functionStack addObject:assertFunction];
[functionStack removeLastObject];
NSString *RCTCurrentThreadName(void)
NSThread *thread = [NSThread currentThread];
NSString *threadName = RCTIsMainQueue() || thread.isMainThread ? @"main" : thread.name;
if (threadName.length == 0) {
const char *label = dispatch_queue_get_label(DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL);
if (label && strlen(label) > 0) {
threadName = @(label);
} else {
threadName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%p", thread];
return threadName;
void _RCTAssertFormat(
const char *condition,
const char *fileName,
int lineNumber,
const char *function,
NSString *format,
RCTAssertFunction assertFunction = RCTGetLocalAssertFunction();
if (assertFunction) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
NSString *message = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:args];
assertFunction(@(condition), @(fileName), @(lineNumber), @(function), message);
void RCTFatal(NSError *error)
_RCTLogNativeInternal(RCTLogLevelFatal, NULL, 0, @"%@", error.localizedDescription);
RCTFatalHandler fatalHandler = RCTGetFatalHandler();
if (fatalHandler) {
} else {
@try {
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@", RCTFatalExceptionName, error.localizedDescription];
// Truncate the localized description to 175 characters to avoid wild screen overflows
NSString *message = RCTFormatError(error.localizedDescription, error.userInfo[RCTJSStackTraceKey], 175);
// Attach an untruncated copy of the description to the userInfo, in case it is needed
NSMutableDictionary *userInfo = [error.userInfo mutableCopy];
[userInfo setObject:RCTFormatError(error.localizedDescription, error.userInfo[RCTJSStackTraceKey], -1)
// Expected resulting exception information:
// name: RCTFatalException: <underlying error description>
// reason: <underlying error description plus JS stack trace, truncated to 175 characters>
// userInfo: <underlying error userinfo, plus untruncated description plus JS stack trace>
@throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName:name reason:message userInfo:userInfo];
} @catch (NSException *e) {
void RCTSetFatalHandler(RCTFatalHandler fatalHandler)
RCTCurrentFatalHandler = fatalHandler;
RCTFatalHandler RCTGetFatalHandler(void)
return RCTCurrentFatalHandler;
NSString *
RCTFormatError(NSString *message, NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *stackTrace, NSUInteger maxMessageLength)
if (maxMessageLength > 0 && message.length > maxMessageLength) {
message = [[message substringToIndex:maxMessageLength] stringByAppendingString:@"..."];
NSString *prettyStack = RCTFormatStackTrace(stackTrace);
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@", message, prettyStack ? @", stack:\n" : @"", prettyStack ? prettyStack : @""];
NSString *RCTFormatStackTrace(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *stackTrace)
if (stackTrace) {
NSMutableString *prettyStack = [NSMutableString string];
NSRegularExpression *regex =
[NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"\\b((?:seg-\\d+(?:_\\d+)?|\\d+)\\.js)"
for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *frame in stackTrace) {
NSString *fileName = [frame[@"file"] lastPathComponent];
NSTextCheckingResult *match =
fileName != nil ? [regex firstMatchInString:fileName options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, fileName.length)] : nil;
if (match) {
fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:", [fileName substringWithRange:match.range]];
} else {
fileName = @"";
appendFormat:@"%@@%@%@:%@\n", frame[@"methodName"], fileName, frame[@"lineNumber"], frame[@"column"]];
return prettyStack;
return nil;
void RCTFatalException(NSException *exception)
_RCTLogNativeInternal(RCTLogLevelFatal, NULL, 0, @"%@: %@", exception.name, exception.reason);
RCTFatalExceptionHandler fatalExceptionHandler = RCTGetFatalExceptionHandler();
if (fatalExceptionHandler) {
} else {
@try {
@throw exception;
} @catch (NSException *e) {
void RCTSetFatalExceptionHandler(RCTFatalExceptionHandler fatalExceptionHandler)
RCTCurrentFatalExceptionHandler = fatalExceptionHandler;
RCTFatalExceptionHandler RCTGetFatalExceptionHandler(void)
return RCTCurrentFatalExceptionHandler;