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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00

365 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <climits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace facebook {
namespace react {
#ifndef NDEBUG
class DebugStringConvertible;
using SharedDebugStringConvertible =
std::shared_ptr<const DebugStringConvertible>;
using SharedDebugStringConvertibleList =
struct DebugStringConvertibleOptions {
bool format{true};
int depth{0};
int maximumDepth{INT_MAX};
* Abstract class describes conformance to DebugStringConvertible concept
* and implements basic recursive debug string assembly algorithm.
* Use this as a base class for providing a debugging textual representation
* of your class.
* The `DebugStringConvertible` *class* is obsolete. Whenever possible prefer
* implementing standalone functions that conform to the informal
* `DebugStringConvertible`-like interface instead of extending this class.
class DebugStringConvertible {
virtual ~DebugStringConvertible() = default;
// Returns a name of the object.
// Default implementation returns "Node".
virtual std::string getDebugName() const;
// Returns a value associate with the object.
// Default implementation returns an empty string.
virtual std::string getDebugValue() const;
// Returns a list of `DebugStringConvertible` objects which can be considered
// as *children* of the object.
// Default implementation returns an empty list.
virtual SharedDebugStringConvertibleList getDebugChildren() const;
// Returns a list of `DebugStringConvertible` objects which can be considered
// as *properties* of the object.
// Default implementation returns an empty list.
virtual SharedDebugStringConvertibleList getDebugProps() const;
// Returns a string which represents the object in a human-readable way.
// Default implementation returns a description of the subtree
// rooted at this node, represented in XML-like format.
virtual std::string getDebugDescription(
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options = {}) const;
// Do same as `getDebugDescription` but return only *children* and
// *properties* parts (which are used in `getDebugDescription`).
virtual std::string getDebugPropsDescription(
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options = {}) const;
virtual std::string getDebugChildrenDescription(
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options = {}) const;
class DebugStringConvertible {};
* Set of particular-format-opinionated functions that convert base types to
* `std::string`; practically incapsulate `folly:to<>` and `folly::format`.
std::string toString(std::string const &value);
std::string toString(int const &value);
std::string toString(bool const &value);
std::string toString(float const &value);
std::string toString(double const &value);
std::string toString(void const *value);
* *Informal* `DebugStringConvertible` interface.
* The interface consts of several functions which are designed to be composable
* and reusable relying on C++ overloading mechanism. Implement appropriate
* versions of those functions for your custom type to enable conformance to the
* interface:
* - `getDebugName`: Returns a name of the object. Default implementation
* returns "Node".
* - `getDebugValue`: Returns a value associate with the object. Default
* implementation returns an empty string.
* - `getDebugChildren`: Returns a list of `DebugStringConvertible`-compatible
* objects which can be considered as *children* of the object. Default
* implementation returns an empty list.
* - `getDebugProps`: Returns a list of `DebugStringConvertible` objects which
* can be considered as *properties* of the object. Default implementation
* returns an empty list.
* - `getDebugDescription`: Returns a string which represents the object in a
* human-readable way. Default implementation returns a description of the
* subtree rooted at this node, represented in XML-like format using functions
* above to form the tree.
* Universal implementation of `getDebugDescription`-family functions for all
* types.
template <typename T>
std::string getDebugName(T const &object) {
return "Node";
template <typename T>
std::string getDebugValue(T const &object) {
return "";
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> getDebugChildren(
T const &object,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return {};
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> getDebugProps(
T const &object,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return {};
template <typename T>
std::string getDebugPropsDescription(
T const &object,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
if (options.depth >= options.maximumDepth) {
return "";
std::string propsString = "";
for (auto prop : getDebugProps(object, options)) {
auto name = getDebugName(prop);
auto value = getDebugValue(prop);
auto children = getDebugPropsDescription(prop, options);
auto valueAndChildren =
value + (children.empty() ? "" : "(" + children + ")");
propsString +=
" " + name + (valueAndChildren.empty() ? "" : "=" + valueAndChildren);
if (!propsString.empty()) {
// Removing leading space character.
return propsString;
template <typename T>
std::string getDebugChildrenDescription(
T const &object,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
if (options.depth >= options.maximumDepth) {
return "";
auto trailing = options.format ? std::string{"\n"} : std::string{""};
auto childrenString = std::string{""};
for (auto child : getDebugChildren(object, options)) {
childrenString += getDebugDescription(child, options) + trailing;
if (!childrenString.empty() && !trailing.empty()) {
// Removing trailing fragment.
childrenString.erase(childrenString.end() - 1);
return childrenString;
template <typename T>
std::string getDebugDescription(
T const &object,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
auto nameString = getDebugName(object);
auto valueString = getDebugValue(object);
// Convention:
// If `name` and `value` are empty, `description` is also empty.
if (nameString.empty() && valueString.empty()) {
return "";
// Convention:
// If `name` is empty and `value` isn't empty, `description` equals `value`.
if (nameString.empty()) {
return valueString;
auto childrenString = getDebugChildrenDescription(object, options);
auto propsString = getDebugPropsDescription(object, options);
auto leading =
options.format ? std::string(options.depth * 2, ' ') : std::string{""};
auto trailing = options.format ? std::string{"\n"} : std::string{""};
return leading + "<" + nameString +
(valueString.empty() ? "" : "=" + valueString) +
(propsString.empty() ? "" : " " + propsString) +
(childrenString.empty() ? "/>"
: ">" + trailing + childrenString + trailing +
leading + "</" + nameString + ">");
* Functions of `getDebugDescription`-family for primitive types.
// `int`
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
int number,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return toString(number);
// `float`
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
float number,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return toString(number);
// `double`
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
double number,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return toString(number);
// `bool`
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
bool boolean,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return toString(boolean);
// `void *`
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
void *pointer,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return toString(pointer);
// `std::string`
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
std::string const &string,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return string;
// `std::vector<T>`
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::string getDebugName(std::vector<T, Ts...> const &vector) {
return "List";
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::vector<T, Ts...> getDebugChildren(
std::vector<T, Ts...> const &vector,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return vector;
// `std::unordered_set<T>`
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::string getDebugName(std::unordered_set<T, Ts...> const &set) {
return "Set";
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::vector<T> getDebugChildren(
std::unordered_set<T, Ts...> const &set,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
auto vector = std::vector<T>{};
vector.insert(vector.end(), set.begin(), set.end());
return vector;
// `std::shared_ptr<T>`
template <typename T>
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
std::shared_ptr<T> const &pointer,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return getDebugDescription((void *)pointer.get(), options) + "(shared)";
// `std::weak_ptr<T>`
template <typename T>
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
std::weak_ptr<T> const &pointer,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return getDebugDescription((void *)pointer.lock().get(), options) + "(weak)";
// `std::unique_ptr<T>`
template <typename T>
inline std::string getDebugDescription(
std::unique_ptr<T const> const &pointer,
DebugStringConvertibleOptions options) {
return getDebugDescription((void *)pointer.get(), options) + "(unique)";
* Trivial container for `name` and `value` pair that supports
* static `DebugStringConvertible` informal interface.
struct DebugStringConvertibleObject {
std::string name;
std::string value;
inline std::string getDebugName(DebugStringConvertibleObject const &object) {
inline std::string getDebugValue(DebugStringConvertibleObject const &object) {
return object.value;
} // namespace react
} // namespace facebook