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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00

161 lines
5.9 KiB

"use strict";
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
result["default"] = mod;
return result;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const image_utils_1 = require("@expo/image-utils");
const fs = __importStar(require("fs-extra"));
const path_1 = require("path");
const core_plugins_1 = require("../plugins/core-plugins");
const WarningAggregator = __importStar(require("../utils/warnings"));
const AssetContents_1 = require("./AssetContents");
const Xcodeproj_1 = require("./utils/Xcodeproj");
exports.withIcons = config => {
return core_plugins_1.withDangerousMod(config, [
async (config) => {
await setIconsAsync(config, config.modRequest.projectRoot);
return config;
const IMAGE_CACHE_NAME = 'icons';
const IMAGESET_PATH = 'Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset';
// Hard-coding seemed like the clearest and safest way to implement the sizes.
exports.ICON_CONTENTS = [
idiom: 'iphone',
sizes: [
size: 20,
scales: [2, 3],
size: 29,
scales: [1, 2, 3],
size: 40,
scales: [2, 3],
size: 60,
scales: [2, 3],
idiom: 'ipad',
sizes: [
size: 20,
scales: [1, 2],
size: 29,
scales: [1, 2],
size: 40,
scales: [1, 2],
size: 76,
scales: [1, 2],
size: 83.5,
scales: [2],
idiom: 'ios-marketing',
sizes: [
size: 1024,
scales: [1],
function getIcons(config) {
var _a;
// No support for empty strings.
return ((_a = config.ios) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.icon) || config.icon || null;
exports.getIcons = getIcons;
async function setIconsAsync(config, projectRoot) {
const icon = getIcons(config);
if (!icon) {
WarningAggregator.addWarningIOS('icon', 'This is the image that your app uses on your home screen, you will need to configure it manually.');
// Something like projectRoot/ios/MyApp/
const iosNamedProjectRoot = getIosNamedProjectPath(projectRoot);
// Ensure the Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset path exists
await fs.ensureDir(path_1.join(iosNamedProjectRoot, IMAGESET_PATH));
// Store the image JSON data for assigning via the Contents.json
const imagesJson = [];
// keep track of icons that have been generated so we can reuse them in the Contents.json
const generatedIcons = {};
for (const platform of exports.ICON_CONTENTS) {
const isMarketing = platform.idiom === 'ios-marketing';
for (const { size, scales } of platform.sizes) {
for (const scale of scales) {
// The marketing icon is special because it makes no sense.
const filename = isMarketing ? 'ItunesArtwork@2x.png' : getAppleIconName(size, scale);
// Only create an image that hasn't already been generated.
if (!(filename in generatedIcons)) {
const iconSizePx = size * scale;
// Using this method will cache the images in `.expo` based on the properties used to generate them.
// this method also supports remote URLs and using the global sharp instance.
const { source } = await image_utils_1.generateImageAsync({ projectRoot, cacheType: IMAGE_CACHE_NAME }, {
src: icon,
name: filename,
width: iconSizePx,
height: iconSizePx,
removeTransparency: true,
// The icon should be square, but if it's not then it will be cropped.
resizeMode: 'cover',
// Force the background color to solid white to prevent any transparency.
// TODO: Maybe use a more adaptive option based on the icon color?
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
// Write image buffer to the file system.
const assetPath = path_1.join(iosNamedProjectRoot, IMAGESET_PATH, filename);
await fs.writeFile(assetPath, source);
// Save a reference to the generated image so we don't create a duplicate.
generatedIcons[filename] = true;
idiom: platform.idiom,
size: `${size}x${size}`,
// @ts-ignore: template types not supported in TS yet
scale: `${scale}x`,
// Finally, write the Config.json
await AssetContents_1.writeContentsJsonAsync(path_1.join(iosNamedProjectRoot, IMAGESET_PATH), { images: imagesJson });
exports.setIconsAsync = setIconsAsync;
* Return the project's named iOS path: ios/MyProject/
* @param projectRoot Expo project root path.
function getIosNamedProjectPath(projectRoot) {
const projectName = Xcodeproj_1.getProjectName(projectRoot);
return path_1.join(projectRoot, 'ios', projectName);
function getAppleIconName(size, scale) {
return `App-Icon-${size}x${size}@${scale}x.png`;