326 lines
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326 lines
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// Copyright © 2019 650 Industries. All rights reserved.
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesAppLoader+Private.h>
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesDatabase.h>
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesFileDownloader.h>
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesUtils.h>
#import <UMCore/UMUtilities.h>
@interface EXUpdatesAppLoader ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<EXUpdatesAsset *> *assetsToLoad;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<EXUpdatesAsset *> *erroredAssets;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<EXUpdatesAsset *> *finishedAssets;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray<EXUpdatesAsset *> *existingAssets;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSLock *arrayLock;
@property (nonatomic, strong) dispatch_queue_t completionQueue;
static NSString * const EXUpdatesAppLoaderErrorDomain = @"EXUpdatesAppLoader";
@implementation EXUpdatesAppLoader
- (instancetype)initWithConfig:(EXUpdatesConfig *)config
database:(EXUpdatesDatabase *)database
directory:(NSURL *)directory
if (self = [super init]) {
_assetsToLoad = [NSMutableArray new];
_erroredAssets = [NSMutableArray new];
_finishedAssets = [NSMutableArray new];
_existingAssets = [NSMutableArray new];
_arrayLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
_config = config;
_database = database;
_directory = directory;
_completionQueue = completionQueue;
return self;
- (void)_reset
_assetsToLoad = [NSMutableArray new];
_erroredAssets = [NSMutableArray new];
_finishedAssets = [NSMutableArray new];
_existingAssets = [NSMutableArray new];
_updateManifest = nil;
_manifestBlock = nil;
_successBlock = nil;
_errorBlock = nil;
# pragma mark - subclass methods
- (void)loadUpdateFromUrl:(NSURL *)url
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"Should not call EXUpdatesAppLoader#loadUpdate -- use a subclass instead" userInfo:nil];
- (void)downloadAsset:(EXUpdatesAsset *)asset
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"Should not call EXUpdatesAppLoader#loadUpdate -- use a subclass instead" userInfo:nil];
# pragma mark - loading and database logic
- (void)startLoadingFromManifest:(EXUpdatesUpdate *)updateManifest
if (![self _shouldStartLoadingUpdate:updateManifest]) {
if (_successBlock) {
if (updateManifest.isDevelopmentMode) {
dispatch_async(_database.databaseQueue, ^{
NSError *updateError;
[self->_database addUpdate:updateManifest error:&updateError];
if (updateError) {
[self _finishWithError:updateError];
NSError *updateReadyError;
[self->_database markUpdateFinished:updateManifest error:&updateReadyError];
if (updateReadyError) {
[self _finishWithError:updateReadyError];
EXUpdatesAppLoaderSuccessBlock successBlock;
if (self->_successBlock) {
successBlock = self->_successBlock;
dispatch_async(self->_completionQueue, ^{
if (successBlock) {
[self _reset];
dispatch_async(_database.databaseQueue, ^{
NSError *existingUpdateError;
EXUpdatesUpdate *existingUpdate = [self->_database updateWithId:updateManifest.updateId config:self->_config error:&existingUpdateError];
// if something has gone wrong on the server and we have two updates with the same id
// but different scope keys, we should try to launch something rather than show a cryptic
// error to the user.
if (existingUpdate && ![existingUpdate.scopeKey isEqualToString:updateManifest.scopeKey]) {
NSError *setScopeKeyError;
[self->_database setScopeKey:updateManifest.scopeKey onUpdate:existingUpdate error:&setScopeKeyError];
if (setScopeKeyError) {
[self _finishWithError:setScopeKeyError];
NSLog(@"EXUpdatesAppLoader: Loaded an update with the same ID but a different scopeKey than one we already have on disk. This is a server error. Overwriting the scopeKey and loading the existing update.");
if (existingUpdate && existingUpdate.status == EXUpdatesUpdateStatusReady) {
if (self->_successBlock) {
dispatch_async(self->_completionQueue, ^{
if (existingUpdate) {
// we've already partially downloaded the update.
// however, it's not ready, so we should try to download all the assets again.
self->_updateManifest = updateManifest;
} else {
if (existingUpdateError) {
NSLog(@"Failed to select old update from DB: %@", existingUpdateError.localizedDescription);
// no update already exists with this ID, so we need to insert it and download everything.
self->_updateManifest = updateManifest;
NSError *updateError;
[self->_database addUpdate:self->_updateManifest error:&updateError];
if (updateError) {
[self _finishWithError:updateError];
if (self->_updateManifest.assets && self->_updateManifest.assets.count > 0) {
self->_assetsToLoad = [self->_updateManifest.assets mutableCopy];
for (EXUpdatesAsset *asset in self->_updateManifest.assets) {
// before downloading, check to see if we already have this asset in the database
NSError *matchingAssetError;
EXUpdatesAsset *matchingDbEntry = [self->_database assetWithKey:asset.key error:&matchingAssetError];
if (matchingAssetError || !matchingDbEntry || !matchingDbEntry.filename) {
[self downloadAsset:asset];
} else {
NSError *mergeError;
[self->_database mergeAsset:asset withExistingEntry:matchingDbEntry error:&mergeError];
if (mergeError) {
NSLog(@"Failed to merge asset with existing database entry: %@", mergeError.localizedDescription);
// make sure the file actually exists on disk
dispatch_async([EXUpdatesFileDownloader assetFilesQueue], ^{
NSURL *urlOnDisk = [self->_directory URLByAppendingPathComponent:asset.filename];
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[urlOnDisk path]]) {
// file already exists, we don't need to download it again
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[self handleAssetDownloadAlreadyExists:asset];
} else {
[self downloadAsset:asset];
} else {
[self _finish];
- (void)handleAssetDownloadAlreadyExists:(EXUpdatesAsset *)asset
[_arrayLock lock];
[self->_assetsToLoad removeObject:asset];
[self->_existingAssets addObject:asset];
if (![self->_assetsToLoad count]) {
[self _finish];
[_arrayLock unlock];
- (void)handleAssetDownloadWithError:(NSError *)error asset:(EXUpdatesAsset *)asset
// TODO: retry. for now log an error
NSLog(@"error loading asset %@: %@", asset.key, error.localizedDescription);
[_arrayLock lock];
[self->_assetsToLoad removeObject:asset];
[self->_erroredAssets addObject:asset];
if (![self->_assetsToLoad count]) {
[self _finish];
[_arrayLock unlock];
- (void)handleAssetDownloadWithData:(NSData *)data response:(nullable NSURLResponse *)response asset:(EXUpdatesAsset *)asset
[_arrayLock lock];
[self->_assetsToLoad removeObject:asset];
if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {
asset.headers = ((NSHTTPURLResponse *)response).allHeaderFields;
asset.contentHash = [EXUpdatesUtils sha256WithData:data];
asset.downloadTime = [NSDate date];
[self->_finishedAssets addObject:asset];
if (![self->_assetsToLoad count]) {
[self _finish];
[_arrayLock unlock];
# pragma mark - internal
- (BOOL)_shouldStartLoadingUpdate:(EXUpdatesUpdate *)updateManifest
return _manifestBlock(updateManifest);
- (void)_finishWithError:(NSError *)error
dispatch_async(_completionQueue, ^{
if (self->_errorBlock) {
[self _reset];
- (void)_finish
dispatch_async(_database.databaseQueue, ^{
[self->_arrayLock lock];
for (EXUpdatesAsset *existingAsset in self->_existingAssets) {
NSError *error;
BOOL existingAssetFound = [self->_database addExistingAsset:existingAsset toUpdateWithId:self->_updateManifest.updateId error:&error];
if (!existingAssetFound) {
// the database and filesystem have gotten out of sync
// do our best to create a new entry for this file even though it already existed on disk
NSData *contents = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[self->_directory URLByAppendingPathComponent:existingAsset.filename]];
existingAsset.contentHash = [EXUpdatesUtils sha256WithData:contents];
existingAsset.downloadTime = [NSDate date];
[self->_finishedAssets addObject:existingAsset];
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error searching for existing asset in DB: %@", error.localizedDescription);
NSError *assetError;
[self->_database addNewAssets:self->_finishedAssets toUpdateWithId:self->_updateManifest.updateId error:&assetError];
if (assetError) {
[self->_arrayLock unlock];
[self _finishWithError:assetError];
if (![self->_erroredAssets count]) {
NSError *updateReadyError;
[self->_database markUpdateFinished:self->_updateManifest error:&updateReadyError];
if (updateReadyError) {
[self->_arrayLock unlock];
[self _finishWithError:updateReadyError];
EXUpdatesAppLoaderSuccessBlock successBlock;
EXUpdatesAppLoaderErrorBlock errorBlock;
if (self->_erroredAssets.count) {
if (self->_errorBlock) {
errorBlock = self->_errorBlock;
} else {
if (self->_successBlock) {
successBlock = self->_successBlock;
[self->_arrayLock unlock];
dispatch_async(self->_completionQueue, ^{
if (errorBlock) {
errorBlock([NSError errorWithDomain:EXUpdatesAppLoaderErrorDomain
userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: @"Failed to load all assets"}]);
} else if (successBlock) {
[self _reset];