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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00

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// Copyright (c) 2020 650 Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.
@import XCTest;
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesConfig.h>
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesLegacyUpdate.h>
#import <EXUpdates/EXUpdatesUtils.h>
@interface Tests : XCTestCase
@implementation Tests
- (void)setUp
[super setUp];
// Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class.
- (void)tearDown
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
[super tearDown];
- (void)testGetRuntimeVersionWithConfig
EXUpdatesConfig *sdkOnlyConfig = [[EXUpdatesConfig alloc] init];
[sdkOnlyConfig loadConfigFromDictionary:@{ @"EXUpdatesScopeKey": @"test", @"EXUpdatesSDKVersion": @"38.0.0" }];
XCTAssert([@"38.0.0" isEqualToString:[EXUpdatesUtils getRuntimeVersionWithConfig:sdkOnlyConfig]], @"should return SDK version if no runtime version is specified");
EXUpdatesConfig *runtimeOnlyConfig = [[EXUpdatesConfig alloc] init];
[runtimeOnlyConfig loadConfigFromDictionary:@{ @"EXUpdatesScopeKey": @"test", @"EXUpdatesRuntimeVersion": @"1.0" }];
XCTAssert([@"1.0" isEqualToString:[EXUpdatesUtils getRuntimeVersionWithConfig:runtimeOnlyConfig]], @"should return runtime version if no SDK version is specified");
EXUpdatesConfig *bothConfig = [[EXUpdatesConfig alloc] init];
[bothConfig loadConfigFromDictionary:@{ @"EXUpdatesScopeKey": @"test", @"EXUpdatesSDKVersion": @"38.0.0", @"EXUpdatesRuntimeVersion": @"1.0" }];
XCTAssert([@"1.0" isEqualToString:[EXUpdatesUtils getRuntimeVersionWithConfig:bothConfig]], @"should return runtime version if both are specified");
- (void)testNormalizedURLOrigin
NSURL *urlNoPort = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
XCTAssert([@"" isEqualToString:[EXUpdatesConfig normalizedURLOrigin:urlNoPort]], @"should return a normalized URL origin with no port if none is specified");
NSURL *urlDefaultPort = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
XCTAssert([@"" isEqualToString:[EXUpdatesConfig normalizedURLOrigin:urlDefaultPort]], @"should return a normalized URL origin with no port if default port is specified");
NSURL *urlOtherPort = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
XCTAssert([@"" isEqualToString:[EXUpdatesConfig normalizedURLOrigin:urlOtherPort]], @"should return a normalized URL origin with port if non-default port is specified");
- (void)testBundledAssetBaseUrl_assetUrlOverride
EXUpdatesConfig *config = [[EXUpdatesConfig alloc] init];
[config loadConfigFromDictionary:@{ @"EXUpdatesURL": @"", @"EXUpdatesSDKVersion": @"38.0.0" }];
NSString *absoluteUrlString = @"";
NSURL *absoluteExpected = [NSURL URLWithString:absoluteUrlString];
NSURL *absoluteActual = [EXUpdatesLegacyUpdate bundledAssetBaseUrlWithManifest:@{ @"assetUrlOverride": absoluteUrlString } config:config];
XCTAssert([absoluteActual isEqual:absoluteExpected], @"should return the value of assetUrlOverride if it's an absolute URL");
NSURL *relativeExpected = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURL *relativeActual = [EXUpdatesLegacyUpdate bundledAssetBaseUrlWithManifest:@{ @"assetUrlOverride": @"my_assets" } config:config];
XCTAssert([relativeActual isEqual:relativeExpected], @"should return a URL relative to manifest URL base if it's a relative URL");
NSURL *relativeDotSlashExpected = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURL *relativeDotSlashActual = [EXUpdatesLegacyUpdate bundledAssetBaseUrlWithManifest:@{ @"assetUrlOverride": @"./assets" } config:config];
XCTAssert([relativeDotSlashActual isEqual:relativeDotSlashExpected], @"should return a URL relative to manifest URL base with `./` resolved correctly if it's a relative URL");
NSURL *defaultExpected = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURL *defaultActual = [EXUpdatesLegacyUpdate bundledAssetBaseUrlWithManifest:@{} config:config];
XCTAssert([defaultActual isEqual:defaultExpected], @"should return a URL with `assets` relative to manifest URL base if unspecified");