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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00

442 lines
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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow
* @format
'use strict';
import type {Page, MessageFromDevice, MessageToDevice} from './types';
import WS from 'ws';
const debug = require('debug')('Metro:InspectorProxy');
// Android's stock emulator and other emulators such as genymotion use a standard localhost alias.
const EMULATOR_LOCALHOST_ADDRESSES: Array<string> = ['', ''];
// Prefix for script URLs that are alphanumeric IDs. See comment in _processMessageFromDevice method for
// more details.
const FILE_PREFIX = 'file://';
type DebuggerInfo = {
// Debugger web socket connection
socket: WS,
// If we replaced address (like '') to localhost we need to store original
// address because Chrome uses URL or urlRegex params (instead of scriptId) to set breakpoints.
originalSourceURLAddress?: string,
prependedFilePrefix: boolean,
pageId: string,
id: '-1',
title: 'React Native Experimental (Improved Chrome Reloads)',
vm: "don't use",
app: "don't use",
* Device class represents single device connection to Inspector Proxy. Each device
* can have multiple inspectable pages.
class Device {
// ID of the device.
_id: number;
// Name of the device.
_name: string;
// Package name of the app.
_app: string;
// Stores socket connection between Inspector Proxy and device.
_deviceSocket: WS;
// Stores last list of device's pages.
_pages: Array<Page>;
// Stores information about currently connected debugger (if any).
_debuggerConnection: ?DebuggerInfo = null;
// Last known Page ID of the React Native page.
// This is used by debugger connections that don't have PageID specified
// (and will interact with the latest React Native page).
_lastReactNativePageId: ?string = null;
// Whether we are in the middle of a reload in the REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE.
_isReloading: boolean = false;
// The previous "GetPages" message, for deduplication in debug logs.
_lastGetPagesMessage: string = '';
constructor(id: number, name: string, app: string, socket: WS) {
this._id = id;
this._name = name;
this._app = app;
this._pages = [];
this._deviceSocket = socket;
this._deviceSocket.on('message', (message: string) => {
const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message);
if (parsedMessage.event === 'getPages') {
// There's a 'getPages' message every second, so only show them if they change
if (message !== this._lastGetPagesMessage) {
'(Debugger) (Proxy) <- (Device), getPages ping has changed: ' +
this._lastGetPagesMessage = message;
} else {
debug('(Debugger) (Proxy) <- (Device): ' + message);
this._deviceSocket.on('close', () => {
// Device disconnected - close debugger connection.
if (this._debuggerConnection) {
this._debuggerConnection = null;
getName(): string {
return this._name;
getPagesList(): Array<Page> {
if (this._lastReactNativePageId) {
return this._pages.concat(REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE);
} else {
return this._pages;
// Handles new debugger connection to this device:
// 1. Sends connect event to device
// 2. Forwards all messages from the debugger to device as wrappedEvent
// 3. Sends disconnect event to device when debugger connection socket closes.
handleDebuggerConnection(socket: WS, pageId: string) {
// Disconnect current debugger if we already have debugger connected.
if (this._debuggerConnection) {
this._debuggerConnection = null;
const debuggerInfo = {
prependedFilePrefix: false,
this._debuggerConnection = debuggerInfo;
debug(`Got new debugger connection for page ${pageId} of ${this._name}`);
event: 'connect',
payload: {
pageId: this._getPageId(pageId),
socket.on('message', (message: string) => {
debug('(Debugger) -> (Proxy) (Device): ' + message);
const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message);
this._processMessageFromDebugger(parsedMessage, debuggerInfo);
event: 'wrappedEvent',
payload: {
pageId: this._getPageId(pageId),
wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify(parsedMessage),
socket.on('close', () => {
debug(`Debugger for page ${pageId} and ${this._name} disconnected.`);
event: 'disconnect',
payload: {
pageId: this._getPageId(pageId),
this._debuggerConnection = null;
const sendFunc = socket.send;
socket.send = function(message: string) {
debug('(Debugger) <- (Proxy) (Device): ' + message);
return, message);
// Handles messages received from device:
// 1. For getPages responses updates local _pages list.
// 2. All other messages are forwarded to debugger as wrappedEvent.
// In the future more logic will be added to this method for modifying
// some of the messages (like updating messages with source maps and file
// locations).
_handleMessageFromDevice(message: MessageFromDevice) {
if (message.event === 'getPages') {
this._pages = message.payload;
// Check if device have new React Native page.
// There is usually no more than 2-3 pages per device so this operation
// is not expensive.
// TODO(hypuk): It is better for VM to send update event when new page is
// created instead of manually checking this on every getPages result.
for (let i = 0; i < this._pages.length; ++i) {
if (this._pages[i].title.indexOf('React') >= 0) {
if (this._pages[i].id != this._lastReactNativePageId) {
} else if (message.event === 'disconnect') {
// Device sends disconnect events only when page is reloaded or
// if debugger socket was disconnected.
const pageId = message.payload.pageId;
const debuggerSocket = this._debuggerConnection
? this._debuggerConnection.socket
: null;
if (debuggerSocket && debuggerSocket.readyState === WS.OPEN) {
if (
this._debuggerConnection != null &&
this._debuggerConnection.pageId !==
) {
debug(`Page ${pageId} is reloading.`);
debuggerSocket.send(JSON.stringify({method: 'reload'}));
} else if (message.event === 'wrappedEvent') {
if (this._debuggerConnection == null) {
// FIXME: Is it possible that we received message for pageID that does not
// correspond to current debugger connection?
const debuggerSocket = this._debuggerConnection.socket;
if (debuggerSocket == null || debuggerSocket.readyState !== WS.OPEN) {
// TODO(hypuk): Send error back to device?
const parsedPayload = JSON.parse(message.payload.wrappedEvent);
if (this._debuggerConnection) {
// Wrapping just to make flow happy :)
this._processMessageFromDevice(parsedPayload, this._debuggerConnection);
const messageToSend = JSON.stringify(parsedPayload);
// Sends single message to device.
_sendMessageToDevice(message: MessageToDevice) {
try {
if (message.event !== 'getPages') {
debug('(Debugger) (Proxy) -> (Device): ' + JSON.stringify(message));
} catch (error) {}
// Sends 'getPages' request to device every PAGES_POLLING_INTERVAL milliseconds.
_setPagesPolling() {
() => this._sendMessageToDevice({event: 'getPages'}),
// We received new React Native Page ID.
_newReactNativePage(pageId: string) {
debug(`React Native page updated to ${pageId}`);
if (
this._debuggerConnection == null ||
this._debuggerConnection.pageId !==
) {
// We can just remember new page ID without any further actions if no
// debugger is currently attached or attached debugger is not
// "Reloadable React Native" connection.
this._lastReactNativePageId = pageId;
const oldPageId = this._lastReactNativePageId;
this._lastReactNativePageId = pageId;
this._isReloading = true;
// We already had a debugger connected to React Native page and a
// new one appeared - in this case we need to emulate execution context
// detroy and resend Debugger.enable and Runtime.enable commands to new
// page.
if (oldPageId != null) {
event: 'disconnect',
payload: {
pageId: oldPageId,
event: 'connect',
payload: {
const toSend = [
{method: 'Runtime.enable', id: 1e9},
{method: 'Debugger.enable', id: 1e9},
for (const message of toSend) {
event: 'wrappedEvent',
payload: {
pageId: this._getPageId(pageId),
wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify(message),
// Allows to make changes in incoming message from device.
// eslint-disable-next-line lint/no-unclear-flowtypes
_processMessageFromDevice(payload: Object, debuggerInfo: DebuggerInfo) {
// Replace Android addresses for scriptParsed event.
if (payload.method === 'Debugger.scriptParsed') {
const params = payload.params || {};
if ('sourceMapURL' in params) {
for (let i = 0; i < EMULATOR_LOCALHOST_ADDRESSES.length; ++i) {
if (params.sourceMapURL.indexOf(address) >= 0) {
payload.params.sourceMapURL = params.sourceMapURL.replace(
debuggerInfo.originalSourceURLAddress = address;
if ('url' in params) {
for (let i = 0; i < EMULATOR_LOCALHOST_ADDRESSES.length; ++i) {
if (params.url.indexOf(address) >= 0) {
payload.params.url = params.url.replace(address, 'localhost');
debuggerInfo.originalSourceURLAddress = address;
// Chrome doesn't download source maps if URL param is not a valid
// URL. Some frameworks pass alphanumeric script ID instead of URL which causes
// Chrome to not download source maps. In this case we want to prepend script ID
// with 'file://' prefix.
if (payload.params.url.match(/^[0-9a-z]+$/)) {
payload.params.url = FILE_PREFIX + payload.params.url;
debuggerInfo.prependedFilePrefix = true;
if (debuggerInfo.pageId == {
// Chrome won't use the source map unless it appears to be new.
payload.params.sourceMapURL +=
'&cachePrevention=' + this._getPageId(debuggerInfo.pageId);
payload.params.url +=
'&cachePrevention=' + this._getPageId(debuggerInfo.pageId);
if (
payload.method === 'Runtime.executionContextCreated' &&
) {
// The new context is ready. First notify Chrome that we've reloaded so
// it'll resend its breakpoints. If we do this earlier, we may not be
// ready to receive them.
JSON.stringify({method: 'Runtime.executionContextsCleared'}),
// The VM starts in a paused mode. Ask it to resume.
// Note that if setting breakpoints in early initialization functions,
// there's a currently race condition between these functions executing
// and Chrome re-applying the breakpoints due to the message above.
// This is not an issue in VSCode/Nuclide where the IDE knows to resume
// at its convenience.
event: 'wrappedEvent',
payload: {
pageId: this._getPageId(debuggerInfo.pageId),
wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify({method: 'Debugger.resume', id: 0}),
this._isReloading = false;
// Allows to make changes in incoming messages from debugger.
// eslint-disable-next-line lint/no-unclear-flowtypes
_processMessageFromDebugger(payload: Object, debuggerInfo: DebuggerInfo) {
// If we replaced Android emulator's address to localhost we need to change it back.
if (
payload.method === 'Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl' &&
) {
const params = payload.params || {};
if ('url' in params) {
payload.params.url = params.url.replace(
if (
payload.params.url.startsWith(FILE_PREFIX) &&
) {
// Remove fake URL prefix if we modified URL in _processMessageFromDevice.
payload.params.url = payload.params.url.slice(FILE_PREFIX.length);
if ('urlRegex' in params) {
payload.params.urlRegex = params.urlRegex.replace(
_getPageId(pageId: string): string {
if (
pageId === &&
this._lastReactNativePageId != null
) {
return this._lastReactNativePageId;
} else {
return pageId;
module.exports = Device;