182 lines
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182 lines
4.3 KiB
* Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import isSelectionValid from '../../modules/isSelectionValid';
var keyName = '__reactResponderId';
function getEventPath(domEvent) {
// The 'selectionchange' event always has the 'document' as the target.
// Use the anchor node as the initial target to reconstruct a path.
// (We actually only need the first "responder" node in practice.)
if (domEvent.type === 'selectionchange') {
var target = window.getSelection().anchorNode;
return composedPathFallback(target);
} else {
var path = domEvent.composedPath != null ? domEvent.composedPath() : composedPathFallback(domEvent.target);
return path;
function composedPathFallback(target) {
var path = [];
while (target != null && target !== document.body) {
target = target.parentNode;
return path;
* Retrieve the responderId from a host node
function getResponderId(node) {
if (node != null) {
return node[keyName];
return null;
* Store the responderId on a host node
export function setResponderId(node, id) {
if (node != null) {
node[keyName] = id;
* Filter the event path to contain only the nodes attached to the responder system
export function getResponderPaths(domEvent) {
var idPath = [];
var nodePath = [];
var eventPath = getEventPath(domEvent);
for (var i = 0; i < eventPath.length; i++) {
var node = eventPath[i];
var id = getResponderId(node);
if (id != null) {
return {
idPath: idPath,
nodePath: nodePath
* Walk the paths and find the first common ancestor
export function getLowestCommonAncestor(pathA, pathB) {
var pathALength = pathA.length;
var pathBLength = pathB.length;
if ( // If either path is empty
pathALength === 0 || pathBLength === 0 || // If the last elements aren't the same there can't be a common ancestor
// that is connected to the responder system
pathA[pathALength - 1] !== pathB[pathBLength - 1]) {
return null;
var itemA = pathA[0];
var indexA = 0;
var itemB = pathB[0];
var indexB = 0; // If A is deeper, skip indices that can't match.
if (pathALength - pathBLength > 0) {
indexA = pathALength - pathBLength;
itemA = pathA[indexA];
pathALength = pathBLength;
} // If B is deeper, skip indices that can't match
if (pathBLength - pathALength > 0) {
indexB = pathBLength - pathALength;
itemB = pathB[indexB];
pathBLength = pathALength;
} // Walk in lockstep until a match is found
var depth = pathALength;
while (depth--) {
if (itemA === itemB) {
return itemA;
itemA = pathA[indexA++];
itemB = pathB[indexB++];
return null;
* Determine whether any of the active touches are within the current responder.
* This cannot rely on W3C `targetTouches`, as neither IE11 nor Safari implement it.
export function hasTargetTouches(target, touches) {
if (!touches || touches.length === 0) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) {
var node = touches[i].target;
if (node != null) {
if (target.contains(node)) {
return true;
return false;
* Ignore 'selectionchange' events that don't correspond with a person's intent to
* select text.
export function hasValidSelection(domEvent) {
if (domEvent.type === 'selectionchange') {
return isSelectionValid();
return domEvent.type === 'select';
* Events are only valid if the primary button was used without specific modifier keys.
export function isPrimaryPointerDown(domEvent) {
var altKey = domEvent.altKey,
button = domEvent.button,
buttons = domEvent.buttons,
ctrlKey = domEvent.ctrlKey,
type = domEvent.type;
var isTouch = type === 'touchstart' || type === 'touchmove';
var isPrimaryMouseDown = type === 'mousedown' && (button === 0 || buttons === 1);
var isPrimaryMouseMove = type === 'mousemove' && buttons === 1;
var noModifiers = altKey === false && ctrlKey === false;
if (isTouch || isPrimaryMouseDown && noModifiers || isPrimaryMouseMove && noModifiers) {
return true;
return false;
} |