2024-04-06 16:16:23 +02:00
# Classes
## `Themis`
Creates the initial connection to Themis.
### Usage
from temmies.Themis import Themis
themis = Themis("s-number", "password")
### Methods
#### `login()`
Logs in to Themis. Runs automatically when the class is initialized.
#### `getYear(start, end)`
Returns an instance of a [`Year` ](#year )(academic year) between `start` and `end` .
year = themis.getYear(2023, 2024)
#### `allYears()`
Returns a list of `Year` instances corresponding to all years visible to the user.
years = themis.allYears()
< sub > I don't see why you would need this, but it's here. < / sub >
## `Year`
### Usage
year = themis.getYear(2023, 2024)
### Methods
#### `getCourse(courseName)`
Returns an instance of a [`Course` ](#course ) with the name `courseName` .
pf = year.getCourse("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
#### `allCourses()`
Returns a list of `Course` instances corresponding to all courses visible to the user in a given `Year` .
courses = year.allCourses()
## `Course`
### Usage
pf = year.getCourse("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
print(pf.info) # < - course info attribute
assignments = pf.getExerciseGroups()
### Methods
#### `getExerciseGroups()`
Returns a list of `ExerciseGroup` instances corresponding to all exercise groups visible to the user in a given `Course` .
assignments = pf.getExerciseGroups()
## `ExerciseGroup`
When this class is initialized, it will automatically fetch the exercise's info, files and test cases(it might be slow, because it indexes the entire course, which I will fix at some point).
* Both folders and exercises are represented as `ExerciseGroup` instances.
* Folders will have the `amExercise` attribute set to `False` .
* Folders can have the `downloadFiles` method called on them.
* Exercises can have the `submit` , `downloadFiles` and `downloadTCs` method called on them.
### Usage
pf = year.getCourse("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
assignments = pf.getExerciseGroups()
assignment = assignments[0]
print(assignment.amExercise) # < - Exercise or folder attribute
print(assignment.files) # < - Downloadable files attribute
print(assignment.testCases) # < - Test cases attribute
print(assignment.folders) # < - If the group contains folders , they will be here
print(assignment.exercises) # < - If the group contains exercises , they will be here
### Example of folder traversal
Let's say we have a folder structure like this:
- Course Name
- Week 1
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Week 2
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
And we want to get to `Part 2` of `Week 1` 's `Exercise 2` . We would do this:
pf = year.getCourse("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
assignments = pf.getExerciseGroups()
week1 = assignments[0].folders[0]
exercise2 = week1.exercises[1]
part2 = exercise2.folders[1]
### Methods
#### `downloadFiles(path=".")`
Downloads all files in the exercise group to a directory `path` . Defaults to the current directory.
#### `downloadTCs(path=".")`
Downloads all test cases in the exercise group to a directory `path` . Defaults to the current directory.
#### `submit(files)`
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Submits the files to the exercise group. Default arguments are `judge=True` , `wait=True` and `silent=True` . `judge` will judge the submission instantly, and `wait` will wait for the submission to finish. Turning off `silent` will print the submission status dynamically.
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suitcase[7].exercises[1].submit("suitcase.py", silent=False)
>>> 1: ✅
>>> 2: ✅
>>> 3: ✅
>>> 4: ✅
>>> 5: ✅
>>> 6: ✅
>>> 7: ✅
>>> 8: ✅
>>> 9: ✅
>>> 10: ✅
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