Moved most logic to base Group class

This commit is contained in:
Boyan 2024-11-18 19:58:17 +01:00
parent 514fcd2438
commit 9f99df54d8

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@ -1,209 +1,51 @@
from .group import Group from .group import Group
from .exceptions.illegal_action import IllegalAction
from .submission import Submission from .submission import Submission
from json import loads
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class ExerciseGroup(Group): class ExerciseGroup(Group):
""" """
Represents a group of exercises or a single exercise. Represents a submittable exercise.
""" """
def __init__(self, url: str, name: str, session, parent=None, full: bool = False, classes=None): def __init__(self, session, path: str, title: str, parent, submitable: bool = True):
super().__init__(url, name, session, parent=parent, full=full, classes=classes) super().__init__(session, path, title, parent, submitable=submitable)
self.am_exercise = "ass-submitable" in self.classes self.submit_url = f"{self.base_url}/api/submit{self.path}"
def create_group(self, url: str, name: str, session, parent, full: bool, classes=None): def __find_name(self):
""" """
Create an instance of ExerciseGroup for subgroups. Find the name of the exercise group.
""" """
return ExerciseGroup(url, name, session, parent, full, classes) if self.title == "":
# Find using beautiful soup (it is the last a with class 'fill accent large')
response = self.session.get(self.base_url + self.path)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
title_elements = soup.find_all("a", class_="fill accent large")
if title_elements:
self.title = title_elements[-1].get_text(strip=True)
self.title = self.path.split("/")[-1]
@classmethod def submit(self, files: list[str]) -> Submission:
def create_group_from_url(cls, url: str, full: bool) -> 'ExerciseGroup':
Create an instance of ExerciseGroup from a full URL of a Themis group.
This method will retrieve the name of the group from the URL.
url (str): URL of the Themis group.
full (bool): Whether to traverse the whole group.
ExerciseGroup: An instance of ExerciseGroup.
if "" not in url:
url = "" + url
# Find name of group (last of a with class fill accent large)
r = cls._session.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
group_links = soup.find_all("a", class_="fill accent large")
name = group_links[-1].text
return cls(url, name, cls._session, parent=None, full=full)
def test_cases(self) -> list[str]:
Get all test cases for this exercise.
if not self.am_exercise:
return []
sections = self._raw.find_all("div", class_="subsec round shade")
tcs = []
for div in sections:
res = div.find("h4", class_="info")
if res and "Test cases" in res.text:
for case in div.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line"):
if link := case.find("a"):
return tcs
def download_tcs(self, path=".") -> list[str]:
Download all test cases for this exercise.
if not self.am_exercise:
raise IllegalAction(
"You are downloading test cases from a folder.")
for tc in self.test_cases:
url = f"{tc['href']}"
print(f"Downloading {tc.text}")
with open(f"{path}/{tc.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.test_cases
def files(self) -> list[str]:
Get all downloadable files for this exercise or group.
details = self._raw.find(
"div", id=lambda x: x and x.startswith("details"))
if not details:
return []
cfg_lines = details.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line")
link_list = []
for line in cfg_lines:
key = line.find("span", class_="cfg-key")
if key and "Downloads" in key.text.strip():
links = line.find_all("span", class_="cfg-val")
for link in links:
a_tags = link.find_all("a")
for a in a_tags:
return link_list
def download_files(self, path=".") -> list[str]:
Download all files available for this exercise or group.
for file in self.files:
print(f"Downloading file {file.text}")
url = f"{file['href']}"
with open(f"{path}/{file.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.files
def submit(self, files: list[str], judge: bool = True, wait: bool = True, silent: bool = True) -> Optional[dict]:
""" """
Submit files to this exercise. Submit files to this exercise.
Returns a dictionary of test case results or None if wait is False.
""" """
if not self.am_exercise: if not self.submitable:
raise IllegalAction("You cannot submit to this assignment.") raise ValueError(f"Cannot submit to non-submittable item '{self.title}'.")
form = self._raw.find("form") # Prepare the files and data for submission
if not form: files_payload = {}
raise IllegalAction("Submission form not found.") for idx, file_path in enumerate(files):
file_key = f"file{idx}"
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
files_payload[file_key] = (file_path,
url = "" + form["action"] response =, files=files_payload)
file_types = loads(form["data-suffixes"]) if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to submit to '{self.title}'.")
if isinstance(files, str): submission_data = response.json()
files = [files] return Submission(self.session, submission_data)
packaged_files = [] def __str__(self):
data = {} return f"ExerciseGroup({self.title})"
found_type = ""
for file in files:
for suffix, lang in file_types.items():
if file.endswith(suffix):
found_type = lang
if not found_type:
print("WARNING: File type not recognized")
with open(file, "rb") as f:
packaged_files.append((found_type, (file,
data = {
"judgenow": "true" if judge else "false",
"judgeLanguage": found_type if found_type else "none"
if not silent:
print(f"Submitting to {}")
for file in files:
resp =, files=packaged_files, data=data)
if not wait or not judge:
return resp.url if "@submissions" in resp.url else None
return self.__wait_for_result(resp.url, not silent, [])
def __wait_for_result(self, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict:
Wait for the submission result and return the test case results.
r = self._session.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
return self.__parse_table(soup, url, verbose, __printed)
def __parse_table(self, soup: BeautifulSoup, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict:
Parse the results table from the submission result page.
cases = soup.find_all("tr", class_="sub-casetop")
fail_pass = {}
for case in cases:
name = case.find("td", class_="sub-casename").text
status = case.find("td", class_="status-icon")
if "pending" in status.get("class"):
return self.__wait_for_result(url, verbose, __printed)
statuses = {
"Passed": ("", True),
"Wrong output": ("", False),
"No status": ("🐛", None),
"error": ("🐛", None),
found = False
for k, v in statuses.items():
if k in status.text:
found = True
if verbose and int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: {v[0]}")
fail_pass[int(name)] = v[1]
if not found:
fail_pass[int(name)] = None
if verbose and int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: Unrecognized status: {status.text}")
return fail_pass