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No commits in common. "82a072ee14f8f26c0ab7df08b9702f12f4a34b94" and "1a950c0eb2fcd2763f49be9f801eee110dee3d1a" have entirely different histories.

10 changed files with 551 additions and 561 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ On the first run, you will be prompted for your password. Then, on the next run(
#### `login()`
Logs in to Themis. Runs automatically when the class is initialized.
#### `get_year(year_path)`
Returns an instance of a [`Year`](#year) for the academic year specified by `year_path`.
#### `get_year(start, end)`
Returns an instance of a [`Year`](#year) (academic year) between `start` and `end`.
year = themis.get_year(2023, 2024)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Returns a list of `Year` instances corresponding to all years visible to the use
years = themis.all_years()
<sub> I don't see why you would need this, but it's here. </sub>
## `Year`
@ -41,20 +41,13 @@ year = themis.get_year(2023, 2024)
### Methods
#### `get_course(course_title)`
Returns an instance of a [`Course`](#course) with the title `course_title`.
#### `get_course(name)`
Returns an instance of a [`Course`](#course) with the name `name`.
pf = year.get_course("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
#### `get_course_by_tag(course_tag)`
Returns an instance of a [`Course`](#course) using the course identifier `course_tag`.
ai_course = year.get_course_by_tag("adinc-ai")
#### `all_courses()`
Returns a list of `Course` instances corresponding to all courses visible to the user in a given `Year`.
@ -73,96 +66,160 @@ assignments = pf.get_groups()
### Methods
#### `get_groups(full=False)`
Returns a list of `ExerciseGroup` or `Group` instances corresponding to all items visible to the user in a given `Course`. The default argument is `full=False`, which will only return the top-level (name, link) of each item. If `full=True`, it will traverse the whole course.
Returns a list of `ExerciseGroup` instances corresponding to all exercise groups visible to the user in a given `Course`. The default argument is `full=False`, which will only return the top-level (name, link) of each exercise and folder in the group. If `full=True`, it will traverse the whole course.
You can traverse the course in both cases, although in different ways.
When you have fully traversed the course, you can access everything via indices and the `exercises` and `folders` attributes of the `ExerciseGroup` instances:
ai_groups = ai_course.get_groups(full=True)
exercise = ai_groups[7].exercises[1]
exercise.submit([""], silent=False)
ai_group = ai_course.get_groups(full=True)
exercise = ai_group[7].exercises[1] # Week 11 -> Suitcase packing
exercise.submit([""], silent=False)
This is equivalent to the case in which we don't traverse the whole course using `get_group` like so:
ai_group = ai_course.get_group("Week 11")
exercise = ai_group.get_group("Suitcase packing")
exercise.submit([""], silent=False)
#### `get_group(name, full=False)`
Returns an instance of an `ExerciseGroup` or `Group` with the name `name`. The default argument is `full=False`, which will only return the (name, link) of the group. If `full=True`, it will traverse the whole group.
Returns an instance of an `ExerciseGroup` with the name `name`. The default argument is `full=False`, which will only return the (name, link) of each exercise and folder in the group. If `full=True`, it will traverse the whole group.
week1 = pf.get_group("Week 1")
#### `create_group(item_data)`
Creates and returns a `Group` or `ExerciseGroup` instance based on `item_data`.
group = course.create_group(item_data)
## `Group`
Represents an item in Themis, which can be either a folder (non-submittable) or an assignment (submittable).
### Methods
#### `get_items()`
Returns all items (groups and assignments) under this group.
items = week1.get_items()
#### `get_item_by_title(title)`
Returns a single item by its title (case-insensitive).
item = week1.get_item_by_title("Exercise 2")
#### `get_status(text=False)`
Retrieves the status of the group. When `text=True`, returns the status as strings. Otherwise, returns submission objects or strings.
status = group.get_status()
leading_submission = status["leading"]
#### `download_files(path=".")`
Downloads all files available for this group to a directory `path`. Defaults to the current directory.
#### `download_tcs(path=".")`
Downloads all test cases for this group to a directory `path`. Defaults to the current directory.
#### `submit(files, judge=True, wait=True, silent=True)`
Submits the files to the group. Default arguments are `judge=True`, `wait=True`, and `silent=True`.
group.submit([""], silent=False)
## `ExerciseGroup`
Represents a submittable exercise. Inherits from `Group`.
Setting the `full` flag to `True` will traverse the whole group.
### Additional Methods
#### `submit(files)`
Submits files to the exercise. Raises an error if the item is not submittable.
- Both folders and exercises are represented as `ExerciseGroup` instances.
- Folders will have the `am_exercise` attribute set to `False`.
- Folders can have the `download_files` method called on them.
- Exercises can have the `submit`, `download_files`, and `download_tcs` methods called on them.
### Example of folder traversal
Let's say we have a folder structure like this:
- Course Name
- Week 1
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Week 2
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
And we want to get to `Part 2` of `Week 1`'s `Exercise 2`. We would do this:
pf = year.get_course("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
assignments = pf.get_groups()
week1 = assignments[0] # Week 1
exercise2 = week1.folders[1] # Exercise 2
part2 = exercise2.exercises[1] # Part 2
# Or, if you don't want to traverse the whole course:
week1 = pf.get_group("Week 1")
exercise2 = week1.get_group("Exercise 2")
part2 = exercise2.get_group("Part 2")
### Methods
#### `download_files(path=".")`
Downloads all files in the exercise group to a directory `path`. Defaults to the current directory.
#### `download_tcs(path=".")`
Downloads all test cases in the exercise group to a directory `path`. Defaults to the current directory.
#### `get_group(name, full=False)`
This is used when you want to traverse the course dynamically (not recurse through the whole thing). You can use it even if you've traversed the whole course.
# Week 1 -> Exercise 2 -> Part 2
week1 = pf.get_group("Week 1")
exercise2 = week1.get_group("Exercise 2")
part2 = exercise2.get_group("Part 2")
# This is equivalent to (but faster than):
week1 = pf.get_groups(full=True)[0]
exercise2 = week1.folders[1]
part2 = exercise2.exercises[1]
#### `submit(files, judge=True, wait=True, silent=True)`
Submits the files to the exercise. The default arguments are `judge=True`, `wait=True`, and `silent=True`. Setting `judge=False` will not judge the submission immediately. Setting `wait=False` will not wait for the submission to finish. Turning off `silent` will print the submission status dynamically.
suitcase = ai_course.get_group("Week 11").get_group("Suitcase packing")
suitcase.submit([""], silent=False)
# Output:
# Submitting to Suitcase packing
# •
# 1: ✅
# 2: ✅
# 3: ✅
# ...
#### `get_status(text=False)`
Retrieves the status of the exercise group. When `text` is set to `True`, it will return the status as a dictionary of strings. Otherwise, it will return a dictionary where keys map to either strings or `Submission` objects. Common keys include `'leading'`, `'best'`, `'latest'`, etc.
pf = year.get_course("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
exercise = pf.get_group("Lab Session 2").get_group("Recurrence")
# Get status
status = exercise.get_status()
# Output:
'assignment': 'Recurrence',
'group': 'Y.N. Here',
'status': 'passed: Passed all test cases',
'grade': '2.00',
'total': '2',
'output limit': '1',
'passed': '1',
'leading': <temmies.submission.Submission object at 0x...>,
'best': <temmies.submission.Submission object at 0x...>,
'latest': <temmies.submission.Submission object at 0x...>,
'first_pass': <temmies.submission.Submission object at 0x...>,
'last_pass': <temmies.submission.Submission object at 0x...>,
'visible': 'Yes'
To access submission details:
leading_submission = status["leading"]
## `Submission`
Represents a submission for a specific exercise.
### Usage
submission = pf.get_group("Week 1").get_group("Exercise 1").get_group("Part 1").get_status()["leading"]
### Methods
#### `get_test_cases()`
@ -170,13 +227,33 @@ Returns a dictionary of test cases and their statuses.
test_cases = submission.get_test_cases()
# Output:
{'1': 'passed', '2': 'passed', '3': 'passed', '4': 'passed', '5': 'passed', '6': 'passed', '7': 'passed', '8': 'passed', '9': 'passed', '10': 'passed'}
#### `get_info()`
Returns detailed information about the submission.
Returns a dictionary of information about the submission.
info = submission.get_info()
# Output:
'assignment': 'Part 1',
'group': 'Y.N. Here',
'uploaded_by': 'Y.N. Here s1234567',
'created_on': 'Wed Sep 13 2023 12:51:37 GMT+0200',
'submitted_on': 'Wed Sep 13 2023 12:51:37 GMT+0200',
'status': 'passed: Passed all test cases',
'files': [
('recurrence.c', '/file/.../recurrence.c'),
('compile.log', '/file/.../compile.log')
'language': 'c'
#### `get_files()`
@ -184,4 +261,13 @@ Returns a list of uploaded files in the format `(name, URL)`.
files = submission.get_files()
# Output:
('recurrence.c', '/file/.../recurrence.c'),
('compile.log', '/file/.../compile.log')

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@ -11,11 +11,4 @@
#### **Codebase**
- Prepended `get_` to all methods in `Submission`
- Created base `Group` from which `Course` and `ExerciseGroup` inherit.
- Using system keyring to store passwords (Issue #11)
### **Version 1.2.0**
#### **Codebase**
- Moved all methods related to downloading files (including test cases) to `Group`.
- Created `get_test_cases` and `get_files` methods in `Group`.
- We are now using the [API]( (which mysteriously appeared) to get the year/course structure.
- Using system keyring to store passwords (Issue #11)

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from temmies.themis import Themis
themis = Themis("s-number") # You will be prompted for your password
# Get a year
year = themis.get_year("2023-2024")
year = themis.get_year(2023, 2024)
# Get a course
course = year.get_course("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
from .themis import Themis
import urllib3
__all__ = ["Themis"]

View File

@ -1,35 +1,28 @@
from .group import Group
from .exercise_group import ExerciseGroup
from requests import Session
from .exceptions.course_unavailable import CourseUnavailable
class Course(Group):
Represents a course.
Represents a course in a given academic year.
def __init__(self, session, course_path: str, title: str, parent):
super().__init__(session, course_path, title, parent)
self.course_path = course_path # e.g., '/2023-2024/adinc-ai'
def __init__(self, url: str, name: str, session, parent):
super().__init__(url, name, session, parent=parent, full=False)
def __str__(self):
return f"Course({self.title})"
return f"Course {} in year {self._parent.year}"
def create_group(self, item_data):
Create a subgroup (Group or ExerciseGroup) based on item data.
if item_data.get("submitable", False):
return ExerciseGroup(
item_data.get("submitable", False),
return Group(
item_data.get("submitable", False),
def __course_available(self, response):
if "Something went wrong" in response.text:
raise CourseUnavailable(
message="'Something went wrong'. Course most likely not found."
def create_group(self, url: str, name: str, session: Session, parent, full: bool, classes=None):
Create an instance of ExerciseGroup for subgroups within a Course.
return ExerciseGroup(url, name, session, parent, full, classes)

View File

@ -1,51 +1,182 @@
from .group import Group
from .exceptions.illegal_action import IllegalAction
from .submission import Submission
from json import loads
from time import sleep
from typing import Optional
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class ExerciseGroup(Group):
Represents a submittable exercise.
Represents a group of exercises or a single exercise.
def __init__(self, session, path: str, title: str, parent, submitable: bool = True):
super().__init__(session, path, title, parent, submitable=submitable)
self.submit_url = f"{self.base_url}/api/submit{self.path}"
def __find_name(self):
def __init__(self, url: str, name: str, session, parent=None, full: bool = False, classes=None):
super().__init__(url, name, session, parent=parent, full=full, classes=classes)
self.am_exercise = "ass-submitable" in self.classes
def create_group(self, url: str, name: str, session, parent, full: bool, classes=None):
Find the name of the exercise group.
Create an instance of ExerciseGroup for subgroups.
if self.title == "":
# Find using beautiful soup (it is the last a with class 'fill accent large')
response = self.session.get(self.base_url + self.path)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
title_elements = soup.find_all("a", class_="fill accent large")
if title_elements:
self.title = title_elements[-1].get_text(strip=True)
self.title = self.path.split("/")[-1]
def submit(self, files: list[str]) -> Submission:
return ExerciseGroup(url, name, session, parent, full, classes)
def test_cases(self) -> list[str]:
Get all test cases for this exercise.
if not self.am_exercise:
return []
sections = self._raw.find_all("div", class_="subsec round shade")
tcs = []
for div in sections:
res = div.find("h4", class_="info")
if res and "Test cases" in res.text:
for case in div.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line"):
if link := case.find("a"):
return tcs
def download_tcs(self, path=".") -> list[str]:
Download all test cases for this exercise.
if not self.am_exercise:
raise IllegalAction("You are downloading test cases from a folder.")
for tc in self.test_cases:
url = f"{tc['href']}"
print(f"Downloading {tc.text}")
with open(f"{path}/{tc.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.test_cases
def files(self) -> list[str]:
Get all downloadable files for this exercise or group.
details = self._raw.find("div", id=lambda x: x and x.startswith("details"))
if not details:
return []
cfg_lines = details.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line")
link_list = []
for line in cfg_lines:
key = line.find("span", class_="cfg-key")
if key and "Downloads" in key.text.strip():
links = line.find_all("span", class_="cfg-val")
for link in links:
a_tags = link.find_all("a")
for a in a_tags:
return link_list
def download_files(self, path=".") -> list[str]:
Download all files available for this exercise or group.
for file in self.files:
print(f"Downloading file {file.text}")
url = f"{file['href']}"
with open(f"{path}/{file.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.files
def submit(self, files: list[str], judge: bool = True, wait: bool = True, silent: bool = True) -> Optional[dict]:
Submit files to this exercise.
Returns a dictionary of test case results or None if wait is False.
if not self.submitable:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot submit to non-submittable item '{self.title}'.")
if not self.am_exercise:
raise IllegalAction("You cannot submit to this assignment.")
# Prepare the files and data for submission
files_payload = {}
for idx, file_path in enumerate(files):
file_key = f"file{idx}"
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
files_payload[file_key] = (file_path,
form = self._raw.find("form")
if not form:
raise IllegalAction("Submission form not found.")
response =, files=files_payload)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to submit to '{self.title}'.")
url = "" + form["action"]
file_types = loads(form["data-suffixes"])
submission_data = response.json()
return Submission(self.session, submission_data)
if isinstance(files, str):
files = [files]
def __str__(self):
return f"ExerciseGroup({self.title})"
packaged_files = []
data = {}
found_type = ""
for file in files:
for suffix, lang in file_types.items():
if file.endswith(suffix):
found_type = lang
if not found_type:
print("WARNING: File type not recognized")
with open(file, "rb") as f:
packaged_files.append((found_type, (file,
data = {
"judgenow": "true" if judge else "false",
"judgeLanguage": found_type if found_type else "none"
if not silent:
print(f"Submitting to {}")
for file in files:
resp =, files=packaged_files, data=data)
if not wait or not judge:
return resp.url if "@submissions" in resp.url else None
return self.__wait_for_result(resp.url, not silent, [])
def __wait_for_result(self, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict:
Wait for the submission result and return the test case results.
r = self._session.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
return self.__parse_table(soup, url, verbose, __printed)
def __parse_table(self, soup: BeautifulSoup, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict:
Parse the results table from the submission result page.
cases = soup.find_all("tr", class_="sub-casetop")
fail_pass = {}
for case in cases:
name = case.find("td", class_="sub-casename").text
status = case.find("td", class_="status-icon")
if "pending" in status.get("class"):
return self.__wait_for_result(url, verbose, __printed)
statuses = {
"Passed": ("", True),
"Wrong output": ("", False),
"No status": ("🐛", None),
"error": ("🐛", None),
found = False
for k, v in statuses.items():
if k in status.text:
found = True
if verbose and int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: {v[0]}")
fail_pass[int(name)] = v[1]
if not found:
fail_pass[int(name)] = None
if verbose and int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: Unrecognized status: {status.text}")
return fail_pass

View File

@ -1,88 +1,98 @@
# temmies/
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import Session
import os
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict
from .exceptions.illegal_action import IllegalAction
from .submission import Submission
class Group:
Represents an item in Themis, which can be either a folder (non-submittable) or an assignment (submittable).
Base class for Course and ExerciseGroup.
def __init__(self, session, path: str, title: str, parent=None, submitable: bool = False):
self.session = session
self.path = path # e.g., '/2023-2024/adinc-ai/labs'
self.title = title
self.parent = parent
self.submitable = submitable
self.base_url = ""
self.api_url = f"{self.base_url}/api/navigation{self.path}"
self.classes = []
def __init__(self, url: str, name: str, session: Session, parent=None, full: bool = False, classes=None):
self.url = url = name
self._session = session
self._parent = parent
self._full = full
self._request = self._session.get(self.url)
self._raw = BeautifulSoup(self._request.text, "lxml")
self.classes = classes or []
# Adjust URL construction to include '/course' when accessing HTML pages
if not self.path.startswith('/course/'):
group_url = f"{self.base_url}/course{self.path}"
group_url = f"{self.base_url}{self.path}"
def __str__(self):
return f"Group {}"
# Fetch the page and parse it
response = self.session.get(group_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to retrieve page for '{self.title}'. Tried {group_url}")
self._raw = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
def get_items(self) -> list:
def get_groups(self, full: bool = False):
Get all items (groups and assignments) under this group.
Get all groups (exercises and folders) within this group.
section = self._raw.find("div", class_="ass-children")
if not section:
return []
entries = section.find_all("a", href=True)
items = []
groups = []
for x in entries:
href = x['href']
name = x.text.strip()
classes = x.get('class', [])
submitable = "ass-submitable" in classes
item = Group(
group = self.create_group(
return items
return groups
def get_item_by_title(self, title: str):
def get_group(self, name: str, full: bool = False):
Get a single item by its title, case-insensitive.
Get a single group by name.
items = self.get_items()
for item in items:
if (item.title.lower() == title.lower()) or (item.path.split("/")[-1] == title):
return item
raise ValueError(f"Item '{title}' not found under {self.title}.")
group_link = self._raw.find("a", text=name)
if not group_link:
raise IllegalAction(f"No such group found: {name}")
href = group_link['href']
classes = group_link.get('class', [])
return self.create_group(
def create_group(self, url: str, name: str, session: Session, parent, full: bool, classes=None):
Factory method to create a group. Subclasses must implement this.
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement create_group")
def get_status(self, text: bool = False) -> Union[Dict[str, Union[str, 'Submission']], None]:
def get_status(self, text: bool = False) -> Union[Dict[str, Union[str, Submission]], None]:
Get the status of the current group, if available.
text (bool): If True, returns text representation of the status.
Otherwise, creates `Submission` objects for applicable fields.
dict[str, Union[str, Submission]] | None: The status data for the group,
with `Submission` objects for links.
status_link = self._raw.find("a", text="Status")
if not status_link:
raise ValueError("Status information is not available for this group.")
raise IllegalAction("Status information is not available for this group.")
status_url = f"{self.base_url}{status_link['href']}"
response = self.session.get(status_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to retrieve status page for '{self.title}'.")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
status_url = f"{status_link['href']}"
r = self._session.get(status_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
section = soup.find("div", class_="cfg-container")
if not section:
@ -90,9 +100,17 @@ class Group:
return self.__parse_status_section(section, text)
def __parse_status_section(self, section: BeautifulSoup, text: bool) -> Dict[str, Union[str, 'Submission']]:
def __parse_status_section(self, section: BeautifulSoup, text: bool) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Submission]]:
Parse the status section of the group and clean up keys.
section (BeautifulSoup): The HTML section containing the status information.
text (bool): Whether to return text representation.
dict[str, Union[str, Submission]]: Parsed and cleaned status information,
with `Submission` objects for links.
key_mapping = {
"leading the submission that counts towards the grade": "leading",
@ -117,202 +135,9 @@ class Group:
# Process value
link = value_element.find("a", href=True)
if link and not text:
href = link["href"]
# Construct full URL
if href.startswith("/"):
submission_url = href
elif href.startswith("http"):
submission_url = href.replace("", "")
print(f"Invalid href '{href}' found in status page.")
continue # Skip this entry if href is invalid
# Instantiate Submission with submission_url and session
submission = Submission(submission_url, self.session)
parsed[key] = submission
submission_url = link["href"]
parsed[key] = Submission(submission_url, self._session)
parsed[key] = value_element.get_text(separator=" ").strip()
return parsed
def get_test_cases(self) -> list[Dict[str, str]]:
Get all test cases for this assignment.
if not self.submitable:
raise ValueError(f"No test cases for non-submittable item '{self.title}'.")
sections = self._raw.find_all("div", class_="subsec round shade")
tcs = []
for div in sections:
res = div.find("h4", class_="info")
if res and "Test cases" in res.text:
for case in div.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line"):
link = case.find("a")
if link:
'title': link.text.strip(),
'path': link['href']
return tcs
def download_tcs(self, path=".") -> list[str]:
Download all test cases for this assignment.
test_cases = self.get_test_cases()
downloaded = []
for tc in test_cases:
url = f"{self.base_url}{tc['path']}"
print(f"Downloading {tc['title']}")
response = self.session.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
tc_filename = os.path.join(path, tc['title'])
with open(tc_filename, 'wb') as f:
print(f"Failed to download test case '{tc['title']}'")
return downloaded
def get_files(self) -> list[Dict[str, str]]:
Get all downloadable files for this assignment.
details = self._raw.find("div", id=lambda x: x and x.startswith("details"))
if not details:
return []
cfg_lines = details.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line")
files = []
for line in cfg_lines:
key = line.find("span", class_="cfg-key")
if key and "Downloads" in key.text.strip():
vals = line.find_all("span", class_="cfg-val")
for val in vals:
links = val.find_all("a")
for link in links:
'title': link.text.strip(),
'path': link['href']
return files
def download_files(self, path=".") -> list[str]:
Download all files available for this assignment.
files = self.get_files()
downloaded = []
for file in files:
print(f"Downloading file '{file['title']}'")
url = f"{self.base_url}{file['path']}"
response = self.session.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
file_filename = os.path.join(path, file['title'])
with open(file_filename, 'wb') as f:
print(f"Failed to download file '{file['title']}'")
return downloaded
def submit(self, files: list[str], judge: bool = True, wait: bool = True, silent: bool = True) -> Optional[dict]:
Submit files to this assignment.
Returns a dictionary of test case results or None if wait is False.
if not self.submitable:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot submit to non-submittable item '{self.title}'.")
form = self._raw.find("form")
if not form:
raise ValueError("Submission form not found.")
url = f"{self.base_url}{form['action']}"
file_types = loads(form.get("data-suffixes", "{}"))
if isinstance(files, str):
files = [files]
packaged_files = []
data = {}
found_type = ""
for file in files:
for suffix, lang in file_types.items():
if file.endswith(suffix):
found_type = lang
if not found_type:
print("WARNING: File type not recognized")
with open(file, "rb") as f:
packaged_files.append((found_type, (file,
data = {
"judgenow": "true" if judge else "false",
"judgeLanguage": found_type if found_type else "none"
if not silent:
print(f"Submitting to {self.title}")
for file in files:
resp =, files=packaged_files, data=data)
if not wait or not judge:
return resp.url if "@submissions" in resp.url else None
return self.__wait_for_result(resp.url, not silent, [])
def __wait_for_result(self, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict:
Wait for the submission result and return the test case results.
r = self.session.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
return self.__parse_table(soup, url, verbose, __printed)
def __parse_table(self, soup: BeautifulSoup, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict:
Parse the results table from the submission result page.
cases = soup.find_all("tr", class_="sub-casetop")
fail_pass = {}
for case in cases:
name = case.find("td", class_="sub-casename").text
status = case.find("td", class_="status-icon")
if "pending" in status.get("class"):
return self.__wait_for_result(url, verbose, __printed)
statuses = {
"Passed": ("", True),
"Wrong output": ("", False),
"No status": ("🐛", None),
"error": ("🐛", None),
found = False
for k, v in statuses.items():
if k in status.text:
found = True
if verbose and int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: {v[0]}")
fail_pass[int(name)] = v[1]
if not found:
fail_pass[int(name)] = None
if verbose and int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: Unrecognized status: {status.text}")
return fail_pass
def __str__(self):
return f"Group({self.title}, submitable={self.submitable})"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
File to define the Submission class
File to define the submission class
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
@ -9,11 +7,11 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class Submission:
Submission class
get_test_cases: Get a dict of test cases status
get_info: Submission information (in details)
get_files: Get a list of uploaded files (as names)
test_cases: Get a dict of test cases status
info: Submission information (in details)
files: Get a list of uploaded files(as names)
def __init__(self, url: str, session):
self.url = "" + url
@ -26,17 +24,23 @@ class Submission:
"""Clean text"""
clean = text.replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "")
if value:
return clean.strip()
return clean.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "").lower().strip()
return clean
return clean.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "").lower()
def get_test_cases(self) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Get a dict of test cases status"""
# In the submission page, the test cases are in a div with class "sub-cases subsec round shade"
# print(self.__raw.prettify())
cases = self.__raw.find("div", class_=lambda x: x and "sub-cases" in x.split())
if not cases:
return {}
# The test cases are in a table in a div with class "cfg-container"
cases = cases.find("div", class_="cfg-container")
cases = cases.find("table")
# For each test case, there is a tr with class sub-casetop, which contains 2 tds:
# * a td with class "sub-case name" which is a name
# * a td with a variable class, which is the status text
results = {}
for entry in cases.find_all("tr", class_="sub-casetop"):
@ -44,51 +48,37 @@ class Submission:
status = entry.find(
"td", class_=lambda x: x and "status-icon" in x.split()
results[name.strip()] = self.__clean(status)
results[name] = self.__clean(status)
return results
def get_info(self) -> dict[str, str] | None:
"""Submission information (in details)"""
# in div with class subsec round shade where there is an h4 with class info
# The info is in a div with class "cfg-container"
if self.__info:
return self.__info
for div in self.__raw.find_all("div", class_="subsec round shade"):
h4 = div.find("h4", class_=lambda x: x and "info" in x.split())
if h4 and "Details" in h4.text:
info = div.find("div", class_="cfg-container")
info_lines = info.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line")
self.__info = {
key := line.find("span", class_="cfg-key").text
): (
self.__clean(line.find("span", class_="cfg-val").text, value=True)
if "Files" not in key
else [
(self.__clean(a.text), a["href"])
for a in line.find("span", class_="cfg-val").find_all("a")
for line in info_lines
return self.__info
if h4 := div.find("h4", class_=lambda x: x and "info" in x.split()):
if "Details" in h4.text:
# The information is in divs with class "cfg-line"
# With key in span with class "cfg-key" and value in span with class "cfg-value"
info = div.find("div", class_="cfg-container")
info = info.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line")
return {
key := line.find("span", class_="cfg-key").text
self.__clean(line.find("span", class_="cfg-val").text, value=True) if "Files" not in key else
([(self.__clean(x.text), x["href"]) for x in line.find("span", class_="cfg-val").find_all("a")])
for line in info
return None
def get_files(self) -> list[str] | None:
"""Get a list of uploaded files in the format [(name, url)]"""
if not self.__info:
self.__info = self.get_info()
return self.__info.get("files", None)
# Deprecated methods
def info(self):
print("This method is deprecated and will be deleted soon. Use get_info instead.")
return self.get_info()
def test_cases(self):
print("This method is deprecated and will be deleted in soon. Use get_test_cases instead.")
return self.get_test_cases()
def files(self):
print("This method is deprecated and will be deleted in soon. Use get_files instead.")
return self.get_files()

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
Main class for the Themis API using the new JSON endpoints.
Main class for the Themis API
import urllib3
import keyring
import getpass
from requests import Session
@ -9,49 +11,41 @@ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from .year import Year
from .exceptions.illegal_action import IllegalAction
# Disable warnings
class Themis:
Main class for interacting with Themis.
- login: Login to Themis
- get_year: Get a year object
- all_years: Get all years
login: Login to Themis
get_year: Get a year object
all_years: Get all years
def __init__(self, user: str):
Initialize Themis object, logging in with the given user.
user (str): Username to login with.
user (str): Username.
password (str): Password, retrieved from keyring.
base_url (str): Base URL of the Themis website.
session (requests.Session): Authenticated session.
self.user = user
self.password = self.__get_password()
self.base_url = ""
self.session = self.login(self.user, self.password)
self.session = self.login(user, self.password)
def __get_password(self) -> str:
Retrieve the password from the keyring, prompting the user if not found.
password = keyring.get_password(f"{self.user}-temmies", self.user)
password = keyring.get_password(f'{self.user}-temmies', self.user)
if not password:
print(f"Password for user '{self.user}' not found in keyring.")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt=f"Enter password for {self.user}: ")
keyring.set_password(f"{self.user}-temmies", self.user, password)
keyring.set_password(f'{self.user}-temmies', self.user, password)
print("Password saved securely in keyring.")
return password
def login(self, user: str, passwd: str) -> Session:
Login to Themis using the original method, parsing CSRF token from the login page.
login(self, user: str, passwd: str) -> Session
Login to Themis
Set user to your student number and passwd to your password
session = Session()
login_url = f"{self.base_url}/log/in"
user_agent = (
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) "
@ -63,54 +57,52 @@ class Themis:
data = {"user": user, "password": passwd, "null": None}
# Get login page to retrieve CSRF token
response = session.get(login_url, headers=headers, verify=False)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError("Failed to connect to Themis login page.")
with Session() as s:
url = ""
r = s.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
# Parse CSRF token from login page
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
csrf_input = soup.find("input", attrs={"name": "_csrf"})
if not csrf_input or not csrf_input.get("value"):
raise ValueError("Unable to retrieve CSRF token.")
csrf_token = csrf_input["value"]
data["_csrf"] = csrf_token
data["sudo"] = user.lower()
# get the csrf token and add it to payload
csrf_token = soup.find("input", attrs={"name": "_csrf"})["value"]
data["_csrf"] = csrf_token
data["sudo"] = user.lower()
# Attempt login
response =, data=data, headers=headers)
if "Invalid credentials" in response.text:
# Prompt for password again
print("Invalid credentials. Please try again.")
passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter password: ")
keyring.set_password(f'{self.user}-temmies', self.user, passwd)
return self.login(user, passwd)
elif "Welcome, logged in as" not in response.text:
raise ValueError("Login failed for an unknown reason.")
# Login
r =, data=data, headers=headers)
return session
# check if login was successful
log_out = "Welcome, logged in as" in r.text
if "Invalid credentials" in r.text:
# Prompt for password again
print("Invalid credentials. Please try again.")
passwd = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter password: ")
keyring.set_password(f'{self.user}-temmies', self.user, passwd)
return self.login(user, passwd)
return s
def get_year(self, start_year: int = None, end_year: int = None) -> Year:
def get_year(self, start: int, end: int) -> Year:
Gets a Year object using the year path (e.g., 2023, 2024).
get_year(self, start: int, end: int) -> Year
Gets a year object
Set start to the start year and end to the end year (e.g. 2023-2024)
year_path = f"{start_year}-{end_year}"
return Year(self.session, year_path)
return Year(self.session, start, end)
def all_years(self) -> list:
def all_years(self) -> list[Year]:
Gets all visible years as Year objects.
get_years(self, start: int, end: int) -> list[Year]
Gets all visible years
navigation_url = f"{self.base_url}/api/navigation/"
response = self.session.get(navigation_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError("Failed to retrieve years from Themis API.")
years_data = response.json()
# All of them are in a big ul at the beginning of the page
r = self.session.get(self.url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
ul = soup.find("ul", class_="round")
lis = ul.find_all("li", class_="large")
years = []
for year_info in years_data:
if year_info.get("visible", False):
year_path = year_info["path"].strip("/")
years.append(Year(self.session, year_path))
return years
for li in lis:
# format: 2019-2020
year = li.a.text.split("-")
years.append(Year(self.session, int(year[0]), int(year[1])))
return years # Return a list of year objects

View File

@ -1,70 +1,52 @@
from .course import Course
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from .course import Course
from .exceptions.course_unavailable import CourseUnavailable
class Year:
Represents an academic year.
def __init__(self, session, year_path: str):
self.session = session
self.year_path = year_path # e.g., '2023-2024'
self.base_url = ""
self.api_url = f"{self.base_url}/api/navigation/{self.year_path}"
def all_courses(self) -> list:
Gets all visible courses in this year.
response = self.session.get(self.api_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to retrieve courses for {self.year_path}.")
def __init__(self, session, start_year: int, end_year: int):
self.start = start_year
self.year = end_year
self.url = f"{self.start}-{self.year}"
self._session = session
courses_data = response.json()
def all_courses(self, errors: bool = True) -> list[Course]:
Gets all visible courses in a year.
r = self._session.get(self.url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
lis = soup.find_all("li", class_="large")
courses = []
for course_info in courses_data:
if course_info.get("visible", False):
course_path = course_info["path"]
course_title = course_info["title"]
courses.append(Course(self.session, course_path, course_title, self))
for li in lis:
suffix = li.a["href"].replace(f"course/{self.start}-{self.year}", "")
course_url = self.url + suffix
course_name = li.a.text.strip()
Course(course_url, course_name, self._session, self)
except CourseUnavailable as exc:
if errors:
raise CourseUnavailable(
message=f"Course {li.a.text} in year {self.start}-{self.year} unavailable"
) from exc
print("Error with course", li.a.text)
return courses
def get_course(self, course_title: str) -> Course:
def get_course(self, name: str) -> Course:
Gets a course by its title.
Gets a course by name.
all_courses = self.all_courses()
for course in all_courses:
if course.title == course_title:
return course
raise ValueError(f"Course '{course_title}' not found in year {self.year_path}.")
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_course_by_tag(self, course_tag: str) -> Course:
Gets a course by its tag (course identifier).
Constructs the course URL using the year and course tag.
course_path = f"/{self.year_path}/{course_tag}"
course_url = f"{self.base_url}/course{course_path}"
response = self.session.get(course_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to retrieve course with tag '{course_tag}' for year {self.year_path}. Tried {course_url}")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml")
title_element = soup.find("h1")
if not title_element:
title_elements = soup.find_all("a", class_="fill accent large")
if title_elements:
title_element = title_elements[-1]
if title_element:
course_title = title_element.get_text(strip=True)
raise ValueError(f"Could not retrieve course title for tag '{course_tag}' in year {self.year_path}.")
return Course(self.session, course_path, course_title, self)
def __str__(self):
return f"Year({self.year_path})"
r = self._session.get(self.url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
course_link = soup.find("a", text=name)
if not course_link:
raise CourseUnavailable(f"No such course found: {name}")
suffix = course_link["href"].replace(f"course/{self.start}-{self.year}", "")
course_url = self.url + suffix
return Course(course_url, name, self._session, self)