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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Config - Testing
#Doc env

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@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ A python library which interacts with themis. Uses bs4. I'll try to end developm
## Intended Features
* [x] Log in
* [x] Submit
* [x] Bulk download of test cases and files
* [ ] Submission status
* [ ] Classes, methods and attributes described in the map below
## Docs
[here]( Heavily WIP.
## Class map

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@ -134,8 +134,21 @@ Downloads all test cases in the exercise group to a directory `path`. Defaults t
#### `submit(files)`
Submits the files to the exercise group. (This is not implemented yet)
Submits the files to the exercise group. Default arguments are `judge=True`, `wait=True` and `silent=True`. `judge` will judge the submission instantly, and `wait` will wait for the submission to finish. Turning off `silent` will print the submission status dynamically.
assignment.submit(["", ""])
suitcase[7].exercises[1].submit("", silent=False)
>>> 1: ✅
>>> 2: ✅
>>> 3: ✅
>>> 4: ✅
>>> 5: ✅
>>> 6: ✅
>>> 7: ✅
>>> 8: ✅
>>> 9: ✅
>>> 10: ✅

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@ -1,126 +1,217 @@
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from exceptions.IllegalAction import IllegalAction
import re
import re
from json import loads
from time import sleep
class ExerciseGroup():
def __init__(self, url:str, soup, session, parent):
self.url = url = soup.text
self.__raw = soup
self.session = session
self.parent = parent # This is unnecessary, but I'll keep it for now
self.request = self.session.get(self.url)
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.request.text, 'lxml')
class ExerciseGroup:
def __init__(self, url: str, soup, session, parent):
self.url = url = soup.text
self.__raw = soup
self.session = session
self.parent = parent # This is unnecessary, but I'll keep it for now
self.request = self.session.get(self.url)
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.request.text, "lxml")
def __str__(self):
return f"ExerciseGroup {} in folder {}"
def amExercise(self):
return "ass-submitable" in self.__raw["class"]
def submit(self):
if not self.amExercise:
raise IllegalAction(message="You are submitting to a folder.")
# Logic for submitting
# Test cases
def testCases(self):
section = self.soup.find_all("div", class_="subsec round shade")
tcs = []
for div in section:
res = div.find("h4", class_="info")
if not res:
if "Test cases" in res.text:
for case in div.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line"):
if link := case.find("a"):
return tcs
return None
def downloadTCs(self, path="."):
# Logic for downloading test cases(if any)
# In a div with class "subsec round shade", where there is an h4 with text "Test cases"
if not self.amExercise:
raise IllegalAction(message="You are downloading test cases from a folder.")
for tc in self.testCases:
url = f"{tc['href']}"
print(f"Downloading {tc.text}")
# download the files
with open(f"{path}/{tc.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.testCases
# Files
def files(self):
details = self.soup.find("div", id=lambda x: x and x.startswith("details"))
cfg_lines = details.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line")
link_list = []
for line in cfg_lines:
key = line.find("span", class_="cfg-key")
if key and "Downloads" in key.text.strip():
# Extract all links in the cfg-val span
links = line.find_all("span", class_="cfg-val")
for link in links:
a = link.find_all("a")
for a in a:
return link_list if link_list else None
def downloadFiles(self, path="."):
for file in self.files:
print(f"Downloading file {file.text}")
url = f"{file['href']}"
with open(f"{path}/{file.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.files
def exercises(self) -> list:
if self.amExercise:
return self
section = self.soup.find("div", class_="ass-children")
submittables = section.find_all("a", class_="ass-submitable")
except AttributeError:
return None
return [
f"{x['href']}", x, self.session, self
for x in submittables
def folders(self) -> list:
section = self.soup.find("div", class_="ass-children")
folders = section.find_all("a", class_="ass-group")
except AttributeError:
return None
return [
ExerciseGroup(f"{x['href']}", x, self.session, self)
for x in folders
# Account for judge
def __raceCondition(self, soup, url:str, verbose:bool):
self.session.get(url.replace("submission", "judge"))
return self.__waitForResult(url, verbose, [])
def __str__(self):
return f"ExerciseGroup {} in folder {}"
def amExercise(self):
return "ass-submitable" in self.__raw['class']
def submit(self):
if not self.amExercise:
raise IllegalAction(message="You are submitting to a folder.")
# Logic for submitting
# Test cases
def testCases(self):
section = self.soup.find_all('div', class_="subsec round shade")
tcs = []
for div in section:
res = div.find("h4", class_="info")
if not res:
def __parseTable(self, soup, url:str, verbose:bool, __printed:list):
cases = soup.find_all('tr', class_='sub-casetop')
fail_pass = {}
i = 1
for case in cases:
name = case.find('td', class_='sub-casename').text
status = case.find('td', class_='status-icon')
if "pending" in status.get("class"):
return self.__raceCondition(soup,url,verbose)
# queued status-icon
if "queued" in status.get("class"):
sleep(1) # <- 🗿
return self.__waitForResult(url, verbose, __printed)
if "Passed" in status.text:
fail_pass[int(name)] = True
if int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: ✅")
elif "Wrong output" in status.text:
fail_pass[int(name)] = False
if int(name) not in __printed:
print(f"{name}: ❌")
elif ("No status" or "error") in status.text:
fail_pass[int(name)] = None
if int(name) not in __printed:
i += 1
return fail_pass
if "Test cases" in res.text:
for case in div.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line"):
if link := case.find("a"):
return tcs
return None
def downloadTCs(self, path="."):
# Logic for downloading test cases(if any)
# In a div with class "subsec round shade", where there is an h4 with text "Test cases"
if not self.amExercise:
raise IllegalAction(message="You are downloading test cases from a folder.")
for tc in self.testCases:
url= f"{tc['href']}"
print(f"Downloading {tc.text}")
# download the files
with open(f"{path}/{tc.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.testCases
# Files
def files(self):
details = self.soup.find('div', id=lambda x: x and x.startswith('details'))
def __waitForResult(self, url:str, verbose:bool, __printed:list):
# This waits for result and returns a bundled info package
r = self.session.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
return self.__parseTable(soup, url, verbose, __printed)
cfg_lines = details.find_all('div', class_='cfg-line')
link_list = []
for line in cfg_lines:
key = line.find('span', class_='cfg-key')
if key and "Downloads" in key.text.strip():
# Extract all links in the cfg-val span
links = line.find_all('span', class_='cfg-val')
for link in links:
a = link.find_all('a')
for a in a:
return link_list if link_list else None
# Submit
def submit(self, files: list, judge=True, wait=True, silent=True):
# Find the form with submit and store the action as url
# Store then the data-suffixes as file_types - dictionary
def downloadFiles(self, path="."):
for file in self.files:
print(f"Downloading file {file.text}")
url = f"{file['href']}"
with open(f"{path}/{file.text}", "wb") as f:
return self.files
# idea exercises and folders are identical, maybe merge them?
def exercises(self) -> list:
if self.amExercise:
return self
section = self.soup.find('div', class_="ass-children")
submittables = section.find_all('a', class_="ass-submitable")
except AttributeError:
return None
return [
for x in submittables]
def folders(self) -> list:
section = self.soup.find('div', class_="ass-children")
folders = section.find_all('a', class_="ass-group")
except AttributeError:
return None
return [
for x in folders]
form = self.soup.find("form")
if not form:
raise IllegalAction(message="You cannot submit to this assignment.")
url = "" + form["action"]
file_types = loads(form["data-suffixes"])
if isinstance(files, str):
temp = []
files = temp
# Package the files up into files[]
# DEBUG: Uncomment for better clarity
# print("Submitting files:")
# [print(f) for f in files]
packaged_files = []
data = {}
found_type = ""
for file in files:
for t in file_types:
if t in file:
found_type = file_types[t]
if not found_type:
raise IllegalAction(message="Illegal filetype for this assignment.")
packaged_files.append((f"files[]", (file, open(file, "rb"), "text/x-csrc")))
data = {"judgenow": "true" if judge else "false", "judgeLanguage": found_type}
resp =, files=packaged_files, data=data)
# Close each file
i = 0
for f in packaged_files:
if not wait:
return resp.url if "@submissions" in resp.url else None
return self.__waitForResult(resp.url, not silent, [])

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ class Themis:
# get the csrf token and add it to payload
csrfToken = soup.find('input',attrs = {'name':'_csrf'})['value']
data['_csrf'] = csrfToken
data['sudo'] = user.lower()
# Login
r =,data=data,headers = headers)

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from Themis import Themis
def main():
# Debug
themis = Themis("s5230837","Bobit0Drog@231")
year = themis.getYear(2023, 2024)
# pf = year.getCourse("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")
# pf = pf.getExerciseGroups()
# print(pf[1].exercises[1].submit("main.c")) # <- this should throw error
# no_folders = year.getCourse("Computer Architecture")
# ca_ass = no_folders.getExerciseGroups()
ai = year.getCourse("Imperative Programming (for AI)")
ai = ai.getExerciseGroups()
print(ai[7].exercises[1].submit("", silent=False))
ads = year.getCourse("Algorithms and Data Structures for CS")
ads = ads.getExerciseGroups()
# print(ads[0].folders)
print(ads[0].folders[5].folders[0].exercises[0].submit(["texteditor.c", "texteditor.h"], silent=False))
# for ass in ca_ass:
# print(ass.exercises)
if __name__ == "__main__":

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
def suitcase(maxVolume, sizes, values, n):
dp = [[0 for _ in range(maxVolume + 1)] for _ in range(n + 1)]
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for j in range(1, maxVolume + 1):
if sizes[i - 1] <= j:
dp[i][j] = max(values[i - 1] + dp[i - 1][j - sizes[i - 1]], dp[i - 1][j])
dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j]
return dp[n][maxVolume]
def main():
n, maxVolume = map(int, input().split())
sizes = []
values = []
for _ in range(n):
item, size, value = input().split()
maxSatisfaction = suitcase(maxVolume, sizes, values, n)
if __name__ == "__main__":

src/texteditor.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "EditOperation.h"
#include "texteditor.h"
#include "LibStack.h"
TextEditor* createTextEditor(void) {
TextEditor *editor = malloc(sizeof(*editor));
// Don't forget to initialize the data structure(s) here
editor->text = malloc(10 * sizeof(*editor->text));
editor->length = 0;
editor->capacity = 10;
return editor;
// Think this is correct
void insertCharacter(TextEditor* editor, int pos, char character) {
// Implement the insert operation
if (editor->length == editor->capacity) {
editor->text = realloc(editor->text, 2 * editor->capacity * sizeof(*editor->text));
editor->capacity *= 2;
// Shift all characters to the right
for (int i = editor->length; i > pos; i--) {
editor->text[i] = editor->text[i - 1];
editor->text[pos] = character;
// This too
void deleteCharacter(TextEditor* editor, int pos) {
// Implement the delete operation
if (editor->length == 0) {
// Shift all characters to the left
for (int i = pos; i < editor->length - 1; i++) {
editor->text[i] = editor->text[i + 1];
// The issue lies within the mem allocation of the stacks
void undo(TextEditor* editor, Stack* undoStack, Stack* redoStack) {
// Optional for the bonus exercise
if (isEmptyStack(*undoStack)) {
EditOperation operation = pop(undoStack);
if (operation.type == INSERT) {
deleteCharacter(editor, operation.position);
} else {
insertCharacter(editor, operation.position, operation.character);
push(operation, redoStack);
void redo(TextEditor* editor, Stack* undoStack, Stack* redoStack) {
// Optional for the bonus exercise
if (isEmptyStack(*redoStack)) {
EditOperation operation = pop(redoStack);
if (operation.type == INSERT) {
insertCharacter(editor, operation.position, operation.character);
} else {
deleteCharacter(editor, operation.position);
push(operation, undoStack);
void destroyTextEditor(TextEditor* editor) {
// Free the memory allocated for the data structure(s)
void printText(TextEditor* editor) {
// Handle empty case
if (editor->length == 0) {
// Print the text stored in the editor
for (int i = 0; i < editor->length; i++) {
printf("%c", editor->text[i]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
TextEditor* editor = createTextEditor();
char command;
int pos;
char character;
// Initialize stacks
Stack undoStack;
Stack redoStack;
undoStack = newStack(1);
redoStack = newStack(1);
while(1) {
scanf(" %c", &command);
switch (command) {
// Insert a character at a given position
case 'i':
scanf("%d %c", &pos, &character);
insertCharacter(editor, pos, character);
EditOperation operation = {INSERT, character, pos};
// Stack operations
push(operation, &undoStack);
// Delete a character at a given position
case 'd':
scanf("%d", &pos);
character = editor->text[pos];
deleteCharacter(editor, pos);
EditOperation operation1 = {DELETE, character, pos};
push(operation1, &undoStack);
// Undo the last operation
case 'u':
undo(editor, &undoStack, &redoStack);
// Redo the last operation
case 'r':
redo(editor, &undoStack, &redoStack);
// Print and quit
case 'q':
return 0;
// Unknown command
printf("Unknown command.\n");
return 0;

src/texteditor.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "LibStack.h"
typedef struct TextEditor {
// Store the data structure in here
char *text;
int length;
int capacity;
} TextEditor;