from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from requests import Session import os from typing import Optional, Union, Dict from .exceptions.illegal_action import IllegalAction from .submission import Submission class Group: """ Represents an item in Themis, which can be either a folder (non-submittable) or an assignment (submittable). """ def __init__(self, session, path: str, title: str, parent=None, submitable: bool = False): self.session = session self.path = path # e.g., '/2023-2024/adinc-ai/labs' self.title = title self.parent = parent self.submitable = submitable self.base_url = "" self.api_url = f"{self.base_url}/api/navigation{self.path}" self.classes = [] # Adjust URL construction to include '/course' when accessing HTML pages if not self.path.startswith('/course/'): group_url = f"{self.base_url}/course{self.path}" else: group_url = f"{self.base_url}{self.path}" # Fetch the page and parse it response = self.session.get(group_url) if response.status_code != 200: raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to retrieve page for '{self.title}'. Tried {group_url}") self._raw = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml") def get_items(self) -> list: """ Get all items (groups and assignments) under this group. """ section = self._raw.find("div", class_="ass-children") if not section: return [] entries = section.find_all("a", href=True) items = [] for x in entries: href = x['href'] name = x.text.strip() classes = x.get('class', []) submitable = "ass-submitable" in classes item = Group( session=self.session, path=href, title=name, parent=self, submitable=submitable ) items.append(item) return items def get_item_by_title(self, title: str): """ Get a single item by its title, case-insensitive. """ items = self.get_items() for item in items: if (item.title.lower() == title.lower()) or (item.path.split("/")[-1] == title): return item raise ValueError(f"Item '{title}' not found under {self.title}.") def get_status(self, text: bool = False) -> Union[Dict[str, Union[str, 'Submission']], None]: """ Get the status of the current group, if available. """ status_link = self._raw.find("a", text="Status") if not status_link: raise ValueError("Status information is not available for this group.") status_url = f"{self.base_url}{status_link['href']}" response = self.session.get(status_url) if response.status_code != 200: raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to retrieve status page for '{self.title}'.") soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml") section = soup.find("div", class_="cfg-container") if not section: return None return self.__parse_status_section(section, text) def __parse_status_section(self, section: BeautifulSoup, text: bool) -> Dict[str, Union[str, 'Submission']]: """ Parse the status section of the group and clean up keys. """ key_mapping = { "leading the submission that counts towards the grade": "leading", "best the latest submission with the best result": "best", "latest the most recent submission": "latest", "first pass the first submission that passed": "first_pass", "last pass the last submission to pass before the deadline": "last_pass", } parsed = {} cfg_lines = section.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line") for line in cfg_lines: key_element = line.find("span", class_="cfg-key") value_element = line.find("span", class_="cfg-val") if not key_element or not value_element: continue # Normalize key raw_key = " ".join(key_element.get_text(separator=" ").strip().replace(":", "").lower().split()) key = key_mapping.get(raw_key, raw_key) # Use mapped key if available # Process value link = value_element.find("a", href=True) if link and not text: href = link["href"] # Construct full URL if href.startswith("/"): submission_url = href elif href.startswith("http"): submission_url = href.replace("", "") else: print(f"Invalid href '{href}' found in status page.") continue # Skip this entry if href is invalid # Instantiate Submission with submission_url and session submission = Submission(submission_url, self.session) parsed[key] = submission else: parsed[key] = value_element.get_text(separator=" ").strip() return parsed def get_test_cases(self) -> list[Dict[str, str]]: """ Get all test cases for this assignment. """ if not self.submitable: raise ValueError(f"No test cases for non-submittable item '{self.title}'.") sections = self._raw.find_all("div", class_="subsec round shade") tcs = [] for div in sections: res = div.find("h4", class_="info") if res and "Test cases" in res.text: for case in div.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line"): link = case.find("a") if link: tcs.append({ 'title': link.text.strip(), 'path': link['href'] }) return tcs def download_tcs(self, path=".") -> list[str]: """ Download all test cases for this assignment. """ test_cases = self.get_test_cases() downloaded = [] for tc in test_cases: url = f"{self.base_url}{tc['path']}" print(f"Downloading {tc['title']}") response = self.session.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: tc_filename = os.path.join(path, tc['title']) with open(tc_filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) downloaded.append(tc_filename) else: print(f"Failed to download test case '{tc['title']}'") return downloaded def get_files(self) -> list[Dict[str, str]]: """ Get all downloadable files for this assignment. """ details = self._raw.find("div", id=lambda x: x and x.startswith("details")) if not details: return [] cfg_lines = details.find_all("div", class_="cfg-line") files = [] for line in cfg_lines: key = line.find("span", class_="cfg-key") if key and "Downloads" in key.text.strip(): vals = line.find_all("span", class_="cfg-val") for val in vals: links = val.find_all("a") for link in links: files.append({ 'title': link.text.strip(), 'path': link['href'] }) return files def download_files(self, path=".") -> list[str]: """ Download all files available for this assignment. """ files = self.get_files() downloaded = [] for file in files: print(f"Downloading file '{file['title']}'") url = f"{self.base_url}{file['path']}" response = self.session.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: file_filename = os.path.join(path, file['title']) with open(file_filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) downloaded.append(file_filename) else: print(f"Failed to download file '{file['title']}'") return downloaded def submit(self, files: list[str], judge: bool = True, wait: bool = True, silent: bool = True) -> Optional[dict]: """ Submit files to this assignment. Returns a dictionary of test case results or None if wait is False. """ if not self.submitable: raise ValueError(f"Cannot submit to non-submittable item '{self.title}'.") form = self._raw.find("form") if not form: raise ValueError("Submission form not found.") url = f"{self.base_url}{form['action']}" file_types = loads(form.get("data-suffixes", "{}")) if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] packaged_files = [] data = {} found_type = "" for file in files: for suffix, lang in file_types.items(): if file.endswith(suffix): found_type = lang break if not found_type: print("WARNING: File type not recognized") with open(file, "rb") as f: packaged_files.append((found_type, (file, data = { "judgenow": "true" if judge else "false", "judgeLanguage": found_type if found_type else "none" } if not silent: print(f"Submitting to {self.title}") for file in files: print(f"• {file}") resp =, files=packaged_files, data=data) if not wait or not judge: return resp.url if "@submissions" in resp.url else None return self.__wait_for_result(resp.url, not silent, []) def __wait_for_result(self, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict: """ Wait for the submission result and return the test case results. """ r = self.session.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml") return self.__parse_table(soup, url, verbose, __printed) def __parse_table(self, soup: BeautifulSoup, url: str, verbose: bool, __printed: list) -> dict: """ Parse the results table from the submission result page. """ cases = soup.find_all("tr", class_="sub-casetop") fail_pass = {} for case in cases: name = case.find("td", class_="sub-casename").text status = case.find("td", class_="status-icon") if "pending" in status.get("class"): sleep(1) return self.__wait_for_result(url, verbose, __printed) statuses = { "Passed": ("✅", True), "Wrong output": ("❌", False), "No status": ("🐛", None), "error": ("🐛", None), } found = False for k, v in statuses.items(): if k in status.text: found = True if verbose and int(name) not in __printed: print(f"{name}: {v[0]}") fail_pass[int(name)] = v[1] break if not found: fail_pass[int(name)] = None if verbose and int(name) not in __printed: print(f"{name}: Unrecognized status: {status.text}") __printed.append(int(name)) return fail_pass def __str__(self): return f"Group({self.title}, submitable={self.submitable})"