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2025-02-03 23:54:12 +01:00
import csv
import json
import random
from collections import defaultdict
def parse_students(file_path: str) -> dict:
Parse the CSV file and return a dictionary with student preferences.
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
data = {}
for row in reader:
# Convert project IDs to integers if they exist, otherwise use an empty list
data[row['Name'].strip()] = [int(row[f'P{i}']) for i in range(1, 6) if row[f'P{i}'].isdigit()]
return data
def parse_projects(file_path: str) -> dict:
# Project name, proj ID, chosen by:
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
data = {}
for row in reader:
# Project id to project name
data[int(row['proj ID'])] = row['Project name'].replace(".pdf", "").strip()
return data
def assign_teams(data: dict, num_projects: int, team_size: int) -> dict:
Greedily assign students to teams based on their preferences using a heuristic approach.
project_capacity = defaultdict(lambda: team_size)
teams = defaultdict(list)
unassigned_students = []
for student, preferences in data.items():
assigned = False
for project in preferences:
if project_capacity[project] > 0:
project_capacity[project] -= 1
assigned = True
if not assigned:
available_projects = [p for p, slots in project_capacity.items() if slots > 0]
for student in unassigned_students:
if available_projects:
project = random.choice(available_projects)
project_capacity[project] -= 1
if project_capacity[project] == 0:
return teams
def save_teams_to_json(teams: dict, output_file: str):
Save the team assignments to a JSON file.
with open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
json.dump(teams, file, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
def replace_id_with_name(teams: dict, project_data: dict) -> dict:
Replace project IDs with project names in the team assignments.
teams_with_names = {}
for project_id, students in teams.items():
project_name = f"{project_id}: " + project_data.get(project_id, 'Unknown Project')
teams_with_names[project_name] = students
return teams_with_names
def pos(look_for: str, data: dict, num_projects: int, team_size: int) -> dict:
Track the percentage of times a student gets assigned to each project for team sizes 4-7.
project_counts = defaultdict(int)
total_iterations = 10000 # Total number of iterations
for i in range(total_iterations):
teams = assign_teams(data, num_projects, team_size)
for project_id, students in teams.items():
if look_for in students:
project_counts[project_id] += 1
# Calculate the percentage of assignments for each project
project_percentages = {project_id: (count / total_iterations) * 100
for project_id, count in project_counts.items()}
return project_percentages
def main():
file_path = 'data.csv'
num_projects = 24
student_name = input("Student name: ")
# Parse the student preferences
data = parse_students(file_path)
best_project = None
team_sizes = range(3, 100)
project_average_percentages = defaultdict(float)
for team_size in team_sizes:
project_percentages = pos(student_name, data, num_projects, team_size)
for project_id, percentage in project_percentages.items():
project_average_percentages[project_id] += percentage
except KeyError:
project_average_percentages[project_id] = percentage
num_team_sizes = len(team_sizes)
project_average_percentages = {project_id: percentage / num_team_sizes
for project_id, percentage in project_average_percentages.items()}
best_project = max(project_average_percentages, key=project_average_percentages.get)
highest_average_percentage = project_average_percentages[best_project]
project_name = parse_projects("projects.csv").get(best_project, 'Unknown Project')
print(f"{best_project}: {project_name} with a {highest_average_percentage:.2f}% chance of assignment")
print(f"Where the team size is {team_size}")
if __name__ == '__main__':