<li> To take input from a potentiometer(encoder) in order to shift the frequency that we want to TX/RX.</li>
<li> To control the RTL-SDR stick and pipe the audio to the speaker, through the USB audio card.</li>
<li> To stream audio from the microphone, and pipe it to <ahref="https://github.com/F5OEO/rpitx">rpitx(this project is really cool)<sup>1</sup></a> which then will get amplified using the amp.</li>
<sub>1. Please do read about this project, as it is vital stepping stone for this one.</sub>
<li> Using <ahref="https://github.com/gavinlyonsrepo/TM1638plus_RPI">this library</a>.</li>
<li> To spare us of the pain of wiring an LCD. </li>
<li> View the current frequency we're at. </li>
<li> To let us change the bands, using the 8 buttons on the bottom. </li>
<li> Indicate states of the device using the LEDs. </li>
# Wiring

Sorry in advance for the trashy diagram, but this is my first ever attempt at wiring diagrams. The rtl-sdr and the audio card need to be put in the usb port, using a hub of some sort.