* [x] implement ssb * [x] create main.py * [x] eat dinner * [x] start working on an actual raspberry pi * [ ] get all parts needed * [x] calculate the entire cost, so you can boast that it's probably two-three times cheaper than the cheapest QRP out there * [ ] write the code for the screen/leds/buttons * [ ] wire rpitx and the sdr stick to use the same frequency and mod * [ ] wire them both to the potentiometer * [ ] get the frequency to show on the screen * [ ] wire(and make) a PTT button * [ ] make LEDs flash for tx and rx * [ ] connect mic and speaker respectively to rpitx and the rtlsdr * [ ] fix the inevitable audio issues * [ ] fix them again * [ ] one last time i swear * [ ] if everything works as expected, add more modulations * [ ] program the buttons to change modulations * [ ] audio issues * [ ] mayyybe try to make it look pretty, with a box or something * [ ] **you need a fan for the amplifier BTW**