# RaspiQRP This is a project that takes: * an SDR stick * a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W * an USB audio card * some wires, indicators and screens * an RF amplifier and turns them into a full-fledged QRP! Currently there is no prototype, yet there is a plan present, which is good. The total cost of this device seems to be around 90€, while the cheapest QRP I found on Aliexpress is 100€. This difference might seem insignificant, but I bet that you have at least 70% of the supplies needed somewhere in your shack. The screens, buttons and leds are absolutely replaceable, but you'll need to tweak the code a it. As of right now, the planned device will be composed of: ## 1. Raspberry Pi Zero raspi 1. Please do read about this project, as it is vital stepping stone for this one.

## 2. Arduino TM4638 board TM4638

# Wiring ![Wiring image](./wiring/wiring_bb.png) Sorry in advance for the trashy diagram, but this is my first ever attempt at wiring diagrams. The rtl-sdr and the audio card need to be put in the usb port, using a hub of some sort.