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  • Formalland 2 years old
  • Formal verification for code, proofs
  • Find a way to fully specify smart contracts
  • Formal verification as means of security (no bugs -> no stealing)
    • Alternatives include:
      • Testing (Unit, Value)
      • Human expertise
      • Quite niche in the field of computer science
  • We can be sure that the program follows intended behavior after verification

Smart contracts

  • Notion of users
  • Admin - owner
  • We need to look through some examples here to get a feel for them.

Example of Smart Contract

  • Stablecoins (USDC)
    • Possible specification(?) is to state that the amount of coins is fixed


  • Solidity
  • VSC online

Questions during the meeting

  • What is the difference between a user and an admin in the context of smart contracts?

  • You mentioned that one possible specification is to state that the amount of coins is fixed. How does that relate to formal verification? To our project?

  • Is the idea to design a DSL? Could you elaborate on the specifics? Do you have a write-up about it or do we need to come up with it?

Yes. We want to simplify formal verification of smart contracts by creating a DSL.