688 B

add :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
add x y = x+y

instance Eq Bool where
    True == True = True
    False == False = True
    _ == _ = False

instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a, b) where
    (x1, y1) == (x2, y2) = x1 == x2 && y1 == y2

-- A value that exists
myValue :: Maybe Int
myValue = Just 42

-- A value that doesn't exist
noValue :: Maybe Int
noValue = Nothing

class Number:
	# Some implementation

class Float(Number):
	# Some implentation

class Integer(Number):
	# Some implementation

def add(numA:Number, numB:Number) -> Number:

class MyClass:
	def __eq__(self):
		# MyClass :: Eq
    def __str__(self)
	    # MyClass :: Show
	def __