Notes/Software Engineering/TA Meeting

886 B

General Notes

  • 7 smart contracts -> gives us a vague idea as to what we're going to do

  • No specfics available

    • Prepare some questions to have a better shot at understanding what the project's about
    • What are we going to do exactly?

  • Swap around roles in order for all of us to learn as much as possible

  • Think about the approach

  • Start exploring -> have more meetings

Communication tips

  • Need to contact the company, book a meeting and include in CC
  • Try to compress as much information as possible in one cycle of email communication, since companies usually take a while to answer.
  • Make them define a concrete timeline
  • Ask them what their availability is? How many meetings are possible?

What we need to do

  • We need to translate the smart contract to their existing system if they have one (they probably do?)

Next week

  • Queries have to be ready