2.7 KiB
Brief description | Difficulty (/10) | Time needed (h) | Estimated fun index (/10) | Manpower (# of ppl) |
#Platrix | 5 | 5 | 9 | 1-2 |
Committee market ideas#Spectrogram image | 3 | 2 | 6 | 1 |
Committee market ideas#Puck.js bop it | 7 | 5 | 7 | 2 |
#Random shit | 1 | 2 | 4 | 1 |
Description of ideas
Random shit
I will bring my radios, MCUs and other shit like that. Also, I suggest we leave the sticker sheets uncut, so that we add more interactivity to our stand (by making people cut their own stickers).
Puck.js bop it
Have a server, which could be any BT-enabled MCU, which is connected to an 8x8 matrix which shows the following instructions for the 2 players (2 pucks) involved:
The game ends if either of the following conditions are met:
- One of the players does the wrong move - the other one wins
- One of the players doesn't do the action on time (i.e. takes longer than a second to do it)
This is going to be really difficult considering:
- None of us has significant experience with bluetooth (except maybe serial communication but still)
- Even if we do manage to do it, bluetooth is quite unreliable and overall a pain to deal with
- We need multiple people to work on this
Working on this already. r/place but irl and on one of these:
Spectrogram image
Have people upload images to a simple webserver (controlled by a raspberry pi/laptop) and display the images on a monitor/laptop. We can transmit with a hackrf/raspi and receive with an SDR stick.
Here's an example using spectrum_painter