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2021-04-02 02:24:13 +03:00

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Expo Config Plugins

The Expo config is a powerful tool for generating native app code from a unified JavaScript interface. Most basic functionality can be controlled by using the the static Expo config, but some features require manipulation of the native project files. To support complex behavior we've created config plugins, and mods (short for modifiers).

💡 Hands-on Learners: Use this sandbox to play with the core functionality of Expo config plugins. For more complex tests, use a local Expo project, with expo eject --no-install to apply changes.

Quick facts

  • Plugins are functions that can change values on your Expo config.
  • Plugins are mostly meant to be used with expo eject or eas build commands.
  • We recommend you use plugins with app.config.json or app.config.js instead of app.json (no top-level expo object is required).
  • mods are async functions that modify native project files, such as source code or configuration (plist, xml) files.
  • Changes performed with mods will require rebuilding the affected native projects.
  • mods are removed from the public app manifest.
  • 💡 Everything in the Expo config must be able to be converted to JSON (with the exception of the mods field). So no async functions outside of mods in your config plugins!


Here is a basic config that uses the expo-splash-screen plugin:

  "name": "my app",
  "plugins": ["expo-splash-screen"]

Some plugins can be customized by passing an array, where the second argument is the options:

  "name": "my app",
  "plugins": [
        /* Values passed to the plugin */

If you run expo eject, the mods will be compiled, and the native files be changed! The changes won't be fully shown until you rebuild the native project with eas build -p ios or locally with npx react-native run-ios or npx react-native run-android.

For instance, if you add a plugin that adds permission messages to your app, the app will need to be rebuilt.

And that's it! Now you're using Config plugins. No more having to interact with the native projects!

💡 Check out all the different ways you can import plugins: plugin module resolution

What are plugins

Plugins are synchronous functions that accept an ExpoConfig and return a modified ExpoConfig.

  • Plugins should be named using the following convention: with<Plugin Functionality> i.e. withFacebook.
  • Plugins should be synchronous and their return value should be serializable, except for any mods that are added.
  • Optionally, a second argument can be passed to the plugin to configure it.
  • plugins are always invoked when the config is read by @expo/configs getConfig method. However, the mods are only invoked during the "syncing" phase of expo eject.

Creating a plugin

💡 Hands-on learners: Try this sandbox (check the terminal logs).

Here is an example of the most basic config plugin:

const withNothing = config => config;

Say you wanted to create a plugin which added custom values to the native iOS Info.plist:

const withMySDK = (config, { apiKey }) => {
  // Ensure the objects exist
  if (!config.ios) {
    config.ios = {};
  if (!config.ios.infoPlist) {
    config.ios.infoPlist = {};

  // Append the apiKey
  config.ios.infoPlist['MY_CUSTOM_NATIVE_IOS_API_KEY'] = apiKey;

  return config;

// 💡 Usage:

/// Create a config
const config = {
  name: 'my app',

/// Use the plugin
export default withMySDK(config, { apiKey: 'X-XXX-XXX' });

Importing plugins

You may want to create a plugin in a different file, here's how:

  • The root file can be any JS file or a file named app.plugin.js in the root of a Node module.
  • The file should export a function that satisfies the ConfigPlugin type.
  • Plugins should be transpiled for Node environments ahead of time!
    • They should support the versions of Node that Expo supports (LTS).
    • No import/export keywords, use module.exports in the shipped plugin file.
    • Expo only transpiles the user's initial app.config file, anything more would require a bundler which would add too many "opinions" for a config file.

Consider the following example that changes the config name:

╭── app.config.js ➡️ Expo Config
╰── my-plugin.js ➡️ Our custom plugin file


module.exports = function withCustomName(config, name) {
  // Modify the config = 'custom-' + name;
  // Return the results
  return config;


  "name": "my-app",
  "plugins": ["./my-plugin", "app"]

↓ ↓ ↓

Evaluated config JSON

  "name": "custom-app",
  "plugins": ["./my-plugin", "app"]

Chaining plugins

Once you add a few plugins, your app.config.js code can become difficult to read and manipulate. To combat this, @expo/config-plugins provides a withPlugins function which can be used to chain plugins together and execute them in order.

/// Create a config
const config = {
  name: 'my app',

// ❌ Hard to read
withDelta(withFoo(withBar(config, 'input 1'), 'input 2'), 'input 3');

// ✅ Easy to read
import { withPlugins } from '@expo/config-plugins';

withPlugins(config, [
  [withBar, 'input 1'],
  [withFoo, 'input 2'],
  // When no input is required, you can just pass the method...

To support JSON configs, we also added the plugins array which just uses withPlugins under the hood. Here is the same config as above, but even simpler:

export default {
  name: 'my app',
  plugins: [
    [withBar, 'input 1'],
    [withFoo, 'input 2'],
    [withDelta, 'input 3'],

What are mods

An async function which accepts a config and a data object, then manipulates and returns both as an object.

Modifiers (mods for short) are added to the mods object of the Expo config. The mods object is different to the rest of the Expo config because it doesn't get serialized after the initial reading, this means you can use it to perform actions during code generation. If possible, you should attempt to use basic plugins instead of mods as they're simpler to work with.

  • mods are omitted from the manifest and cannot be accessed via Updates.manifest. mods exist for the sole purpose of modifying native files during code generation!
  • mods can be used to read and write files safely during the expo eject command. This is how Expo CLI modifies the Info.plist, entitlements, xcproj, etc...
  • mods are platform specific and should always be added to a platform specific object:


module.exports = {
  name: 'my-app',
  mods: {
    ios: {
      /* iOS mods... */
    android: {
      /* Android mods... */

How mods work

  • The config is read using getConfig from @expo/config
  • All of the core functionality supported by Expo is added via plugins in withExpoIOSPlugins. This is stuff like name, version, icons, locales, etc.
  • The config is passed to the compiler compileModifiersAsync
  • The compiler adds base mods which are responsible for reading data (like Info.plist), executing a named mod (like mods.ios.infoPlist), then writing the results to the file system.
  • The compiler iterates over all of the mods and asynchronously evaluates them, providing some base props like the projectRoot.
    • After each mod, error handling asserts if the mod chain was corrupted by an invalid mod.

💡 Here is a colorful chart of the mod compiler for visual learners.

Default mods

The following default mods are provided by the mod compiler for common file manipulation:

  • mods.ios.appDelegate -- Modify the ios/<name>/AppDelegate.m as a string.

  • mods.ios.infoPlist -- Modify the ios/<name>/Info.plist as JSON (parsed with @expo/plist).

  • mods.ios.entitlements -- Modify the ios/<name>/<product-name>.entitlements as JSON (parsed with @expo/plist).

  • mods.ios.expoPlist -- Modify the ios/<name>/Expo.plist as JSON (Expo updates config for iOS) (parsed with @expo/plist).

  • mods.ios.xcodeproj -- Modify the ios/<name>.xcodeproj as an XcodeProject object (parsed with xcode).

  • -- Modify the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml as JSON (parsed with xml2js).

  • -- Modify the android/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml as JSON (parsed with xml2js).

  • -- Modify the android/app/src/main/<package>/ as a string.

  • -- Modify the android/app/build.gradle as a string.

  • -- Modify the android/build.gradle as a string.

  • -- Modify the android/settings.gradle as a string.

  • -- Modify the android/ as a Properties.PropertiesItem[].

After the mods are resolved, the contents of each mod will be written to disk. Custom default mods can be added to support new native files. For example, you can create a mod to support the GoogleServices-Info.plist, and pass it to other mods.

Mod plugins

Mods are responsible for a lot of things, so they can be pretty difficult to understand at first. If you're developing a feature that requires mods, it's best not to interact with them directly.

Instead you should use the helper mods provided by @expo/config-plugins:

  • iOS
    • withAppDelegate
    • withInfoPlist
    • withEntitlementsPlist
    • withExpoPlist
    • withXcodeProject
  • Android
    • withAndroidManifest
    • withStringsXml
    • withMainActivity
    • withProjectBuildGradle
    • withAppBuildGradle
    • withSettingsGradle
    • withGradleProperties

A mod plugin gets passed a config object with additional properties modResults and modRequest added to it.

  • modResults: The object to modify and return. The type depends on the mod that's being used.
  • modRequest: Additional properties supplied by the mod compiler.
    • projectRoot: string: Project root directory for the universal app.
    • platformProjectRoot: string: Project root for the specific platform.
    • modName: string: Name of the mod.
    • platform: ModPlatform: Name of the platform used in the mods config.
    • projectName?: string: iOS only: The path component used for querying project files. ex. projectRoot/ios/[projectName]/

Creating a mod

Say you wanted to write a mod to update the Xcode Project's "product name":

import { ConfigPlugin, withXcodeProject } from '@expo/config-plugins';

const withCustomProductName: ConfigPlugin = (config, customName) => {
  return withXcodeProject(config, async config => {
    // config = { modResults, modRequest, ...expoConfig }

    const xcodeProject = config.modResults;
    xcodeProject.productName = customName;

    return config;

// 💡 Usage:

/// Create a config
const config = {
  name: 'my app',

/// Use the plugin
export default withCustomProductName(config, 'new_name');

Experimental functionality

Some parts of the mod system aren't fully flushed out, these parts use withDangerousModifier to read/write data without a base mod. These methods essentially act as their own base mod and cannot be extended. Icons for example, currently use the dangerous mod to perform a single generation step with no ability to customize the results.

export const withIcons: ConfigPlugin = config => {
  return withDangerousModifier(config, async config => {
    // No modifications are made to the config
    await setIconsAsync(config, config.modRequest.projectRoot);
    return config;

Be careful using withDangerousModifier as it is subject to change in the future. The order with which it gets executed is not reliable either. Currently dangerous mods run first before all other modifiers, this is because we use dangerous mods internally for large file system refactoring like when the package name changes.

Plugin module resolution

The strings passed to the plugins array can be resolved in a few different ways.

Any resolution pattern that isn't specified below is unexpected behavior, and subject to breaking changes.

Project file

You can quickly create a plugin in your project and use it in your config.

  • './my-config-plugin'
  • './my-config-plugin.js'
╭── app.config.js ➡️ Expo Config
╰── my-config-plugin.js ➡️ ✅ `module.exports = (config) => config`


Sometimes you want your package to export React components and also support a plugin, to do this, multiple entry points need to be used (because the transpilation (Babel preset) may be different). If a app.plugin.js file is present in the root of a Node module's folder, it'll be used instead of the package's main file.

  • 'expo-splash-screen'
  • 'expo-splash-screen/app.plugin.js'
╭── app.config.js ➡️ Expo Config
╰── node_modules/expo-splash-screen/ ➡️ Module installed from NPM (works with Yarn workspaces as well).
    ├── package.json ➡️ The `main` file will be used if `app.plugin.js` doesn't exist.
    ├── app.plugin.js ➡️ ✅ `module.exports = (config) => config` -- must export a function.
    ╰── build/index.js ➡️ ❌ Ignored because `app.plugin.js` exists. This could be used with `expo-splash-screen/build/index.js`

Node module default file

A config plugin in a node module (without an app.plugin.js) will use the main file defined in the package.json.

  • 'expo-splash-screen'
  • 'expo-splash-screen/build/index'
╭── app.config.js ➡️ Expo Config
╰── node_modules/expo-splash-screen/ ➡️ Module installed from NPM (works with Yarn workspaces as well).
    ├── package.json ➡️ The `main` file points to `build/index.js`
    ╰── build/index.js ➡️  ✅ Node resolves to this module.

Project folder

  • './my-config-plugin'
  • './my-config-plugin.js'

This is different to how Node modules work because app.plugin.js won't be resolved by default in a directory. You'll have to manually specify ./my-config-plugin/app.plugin.js to use it, otherwise index.js in the directory will be used.

╭── app.config.js ➡️ Expo Config
╰── my-config-plugin/ ➡️ Folder containing plugin code
    ╰── index.js ➡️ ✅ By default, Node resolves a folder's index.js file as the main file.

Module internals

If a file inside a Node module is specified, then the module's root app.plugin.js resolution will be skipped. This is referred to as "reaching inside a package" and is considered bad form. We support this to make testing, and plugin authoring easier, but we don't expect library authors to expose their plugins like this as a public API.

  • 'expo-splash-screen/build/index.js'
  • 'expo-splash-screen/build'
╭── app.config.js ➡️ Expo Config
╰── node_modules/expo-splash-screen/ ➡️ Module installed from npm (works with Yarn workspaces as well).
    ├── package.json ➡️ The `main` file will be used if `app.plugin.js` doesn't exist.
    ├── app.plugin.js ➡️ ❌ Ignored because the reference reaches into the package internals.
    ╰── build/index.js ➡️ ✅ `module.exports = (config) => config`

Raw functions

You can also just pass in a config plugin.

const withCustom = (config, props) => config;

const config = {
  plugins: [
        /* props */
    // Without props

One caveat to using functions instead of strings is that serialization will replace the function with the function's name. This keeps manifests (kinda like the index.html for your app) working as expected.

Here is what the serialized config would look like:

  "plugins": [["withCustom", {}], "withCustom"]

Why app.plugin.js for plugins

Config resolution searches for a app.plugin.js first when a Node module name is provided. This is because Node environments are often different to iOS, Android, or web JS environments and therefore require different transpilation presets (ex: module.exports instead of import/export).

Because of this reasoning, the root of a Node module is searched instead of right next to the index.js. Imagine you had a TypeScript Node module where the transpiled main file was located at build/index.js, if Expo config plugin resolution searched for build/app.plugin.js you'd lose the ability to transpile the file differently.


You can debug config plugins by running expo prebuild. If EXPO_DEBUG is enabled, the plugin stack logs will be printed, these are useful for viewing which mods ran, and in what order they ran in. To view all static plugin resolution errors, enable EXPO_CONFIG_PLUGIN_VERBOSE_ERRORS, this should only be needed for plugin authors. By default some automatic plugin errors are hidden because they're usually related to versioning issues and aren't very helpful (i.e. legacy package doesn't have a config plugin yet).