3.6 KiB
var slugify = require('slugify')
slugify('some string') // some-string
// if you prefer something other than '-' as separator
slugify('some string', '_') // some_string
- Vanilla ES5 JavaScript
- No dependencies
- Coerces foreign symbols to their English equivalent (check out the charMap for more details)
- Works in the browser (window.slugify) and AMD/CommonJS-flavored module loaders
slugify('some string', {
replacement: '-', // replace spaces with replacement character, defaults to `-`
remove: undefined, // remove characters that match regex, defaults to `undefined`
lower: false, // convert to lower case, defaults to `false`
strict: false, // strip special characters except replacement, defaults to `false`
locale: 'vi' // language code of the locale to use
For example, to remove *+~.()'"!:@
from the result slug, you can use slugify('..', {remove: /[*+~.()'"!:@]/g})
The main charmap.json
file contains all known characters and their transliteration. All new characters should be added there first. In case you stumble upon a character already set in charmap.json
, but not transliterated correctly according to your language, then you have to add those characters in locales.json
to override the already existing transliteration in charmap.json
, but for your locale only.
You can get the correct language code of your language from here.
Out of the box slugify
comes with support for a handful of Unicode symbols. For example the ☢
(radioactive) symbol is not defined in the charMap
and therefore it will be stripped by default:
slugify('unicode ♥ is ☢') // unicode-love-is
However you can extend the supported symbols, or override the existing ones with your own:
slugify.extend({'☢': 'radioactive'})
slugify('unicode ♥ is ☢') // unicode-love-is-radioactive
Keep in mind that the extend
method extends/overrides the default charMap
for the entire process. In case you need a fresh instance of the slugify's charMap
object you have to clean up the module cache first:
delete require.cache[require.resolve('slugify')]
var slugify = require('slugify')
- Add chars to
- Run tests
npm test
- The tests will build the charmap in
and will sort thecharmap.json
- Commit all modified files
This module was originally a vanilla javascript port of node-slug.
Note that the original slug module has been ported to vanilla javascript too.
One major difference between the two modules is thatslugify
does not depend on the external unicode module.