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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## 0.5.0
### Fixes
- Avoid misinterpretation of malicious XML input - `GHSA-h6q6-9hqw-rwfv` (CVE-2021-21366)
- Fix breaking preprocessors' directives when parsing attributes [`#171`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/171)
- fix(dom): Escape `]]>` when serializing CharData [`#181`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/181)
- Switch to (only) MIT license (drop problematic LGPL license option) [`#178`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/178)
- Export DOMException; remove custom assertions; etc. [`#174`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/174)
### Docs
- Update MDN links in `readme.md` [`#188`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/188)
## 0.4.0
### Fixes
- **BREAKING** Restore ` ` behavior from v0.1.27 [`#67`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/67)
- **BREAKING** Typecheck source param before parsing [`#113`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/113)
- Include documents in package files list [`#156`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/156)
- Preserve doctype with sysid [`#144`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/144)
- Remove ES6 syntax from getElementsByClassName [`#91`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/91)
- Revert "Add lowercase of åäö in entityMap" due to duplicate entries [`#84`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/84)
- fix: Convert all line separators to LF [`#66`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/66)
### Docs
- Update CHANGELOG.md through version 0.3.0 [`#63`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/63)
- Update badges [`#78`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/78)
- Add .editorconfig file [`#104`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/104)
- Add note about import [`#79`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/79)
- Modernize & improve the example in readme.md [`#81`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/81)
### CI
- Add Stryker Mutator [`#70`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/70)
- Add Stryker action to update dashboard [`#77`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/77)
- Add Node GitHub action workflow [`#64`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/64)
- add & enable eslint [`#106`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/106)
- Use eslint-plugin-es5 to enforce ES5 syntax [`#107`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/107)
- Recover `vows` tests, drop `proof` tests [`#59`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/59)
- Add jest tessuite and first tests [`#114`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/114)
- Add jest testsuite with `xmltest` cases [`#112`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/112)
- Configure Renovate [`#108`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/108)
- Test European HTML entities [`#86`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/86)
- Updated devDependencies
### Other
- Remove files that are not of any use [`#131`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/131), [`#65`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/65), [`#33`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/33)
## 0.3.0
- **BREAKING** Node >=10.x is now required.
- **BREAKING** Remove `component.json` (deprecated package manager https://github.com/componentjs/guide)
- **BREAKING** Move existing sources into `lib` subdirectory.
- **POSSIBLY BREAKING** Introduce `files` entry in `package.json` and remove use of `.npmignore`.
- [Add `Document.getElementsByClassName`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/issues/24).
- [Add `Node` to the list of exports](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/27)
- [Add lowercase of åäö in `entityMap`](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/pull/23).
- Move CHANGELOG to markdown file.
- Move LICENSE to markdown file.
## 0.2.1
- Correct `homepage`, `repository` and `bugs` URLs in `package.json`.
## 0.2.0
- Includes all **BREAKING** changes introduced in [`xmldom-alpha@v0.1.28`](#0128) by the original authors.
- **POSSIBLY BREAKING** [remove the `Object.create` check from the `_extends` method of `dom.js` that added a `__proto__` property](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/commit/0be2ae910a8a22c9ec2cac042e04de4c04317d2a#diff-7d1c5d97786fdf9af5446a241d0b6d56L19-L22) ().
- **POSSIBLY BREAKING** [remove code that added a `__proto__` property](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/commit/366159a76a181ce9a0d83f5dc48205686cfaf9cc)
- formatting/corrections in `package.json`
## 0.1.31
The patch versions (`v0.1.29` - `v0.1.31`) that have been released on the [v0.1.x branch](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/tree/0.1.x), to reflect the changed maintainers, **are branched off from [`v0.1.27`](#0127) so they don't include the breaking changes introduced in [`xmldom-alpha@v0.1.28`](#0128)**:
## Maintainer changes
After the last commit to the original repository <https://github.com/jindw/xmldom> on the 9th of May 2017, the first commit to <https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom> is from the 19th of December 2019. [The fork has been announced in the original repository on the 2nd of March 2020.](https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/issues/259)
The versions listed below have been published to one or both of the following packages:
- <https://www.npmjs.com/package/xmldom-alpha>
- <https://www.npmjs.com/package/xmldom>
It is currently not planned to continue publishing the `xmldom-alpha` package.
The new maintainers did not invest time to understand changes that led to the last `xmldom` version [`0.1.27`](#0127) published by the original maintainer, but consider it the basis for their work.
A timeline of all the changes that happened from that version until `0.3.0` is available in <https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/issues/62>. Any related questions should be asked there.
## 0.1.28
Published by @jindw on the 9th of May 2017 as
- `xmldom-alpha@0.1.28`
- **BREAKING** includes [regression regarding ` ` (issue #57)](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/issues/57)
- [Fix `license` field in `package.json`](https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/pull/178)
- [Conditional converting of HTML entities](https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/pull/80)
- Fix `dom.js` serialization issue for missing document element ([example that failed on `toString()` before this change](https://github.com/xmldom/xmldom/blob/a58dcf7a265522e80ce520fe3be0cddb1b976f6f/test/parse/unclosedcomment.js#L10-L11))
- Add new module `entities.js`
## 0.1.27
Published by @jindw on the 28th of Nov 2016 as
- `xmldom@0.1.27`
- `xmldom-alpha@0.1.27`
- Various bug fixes.
## 0.1.26
Published on the 18th of Nov 2016
as `xmldom@0.1.26`
- Details unknown
## 0.1.25
Published on the 18th of Nov 2016 as
- `xmldom@0.1.25`
- Details unknown
## 0.1.24
Published on the 27th of November 2016 as
- `xmldom@0.1.24`
- `xmldom-alpha@0.1.24`
- Added node filter.
## 0.1.23
Published on the 5th of May 2016 as
- `xmldom-alpha@0.1.23`
- Add namespace support for nest node serialize.
- Various other bug fixes.
## 0.1.22
- Merge XMLNS serialization.
- Remove \r from source string.
- Print namespaces for child elements.
- Switch references to nodeType to use named constants.
- Add nodelist toString support.
## 0.1.21
- Fix serialize bug.
## 0.1.20
- Optimize invalid XML support.
- Add toString sorter for attributes output.
- Add html self closed node button.
- Add `*` NS support for getElementsByTagNameNS.
- Convert attribute's value to string in setAttributeNS.
- Add support for HTML entities for HTML docs only.
- Fix TypeError when Document is created with DocumentType.
## 0.1.19
- Fix [infinite loop on unclosed comment (jindw/xmldom#68)](https://github.com/jindw/xmldom/issues/68)
- Add error report for unclosed tag.
- Various other fixes.
## 0.1.18
- Add default `ns` support.
- parseFromString now renders entirely plain text documents as textNode.
- Enable option to ignore white space on parsing.
## 0.1.17
**Details missing for this and potential earlier version**
## 0.1.16
- Correctly handle multibyte Unicode greater than two byts. #57. #56.
- Initial unit testing and test coverage. #53. #46. #19.
- Create Bower `component.json` #52.
## 0.1.8
- Add: some test case from node-o3-xml(excludes xpath support)
- Fix: remove existed attribute before setting (bug introduced in v0.1.5)
- Fix: index direct access for childNodes and any NodeList collection(not w3c standard)
- Fix: remove last child bug