
825 B



What is this?

A python library which interacts with themis. Uses bs4. I'll try to end development on a somewhat working state. Check out the code

Intended Features

  • Log in
  • Bulk download of test cases and files~~
  • Submitting files
  • Somewhat easy to use API to interact with courses


pip install temmies

Example Usage

from temmies.themis import Themis

# Log in
themis = Themis("s-number", "password")

# Get a year
year = themis.get_year(2023, 2024)

# Get a course
course = year.get_course("Programming Fundamentals (for CS)")

# Get an assignment
assignment = course.get_assignment("Assignment 1")

# Submit 2 files
assignment.submit(["among.c", "us.py"])