Notes/Operating Systems/Introductory
2025-02-04 10:46:13 +01:00

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## Operating System
- Manages hardware and software
- Resource allocator
- Manages and routes resources and requests
- Control program
- Prevents errors and improper use
## User v. System
### User
graph TD;
A["user"] <--> B["application programs"]
B <--> C["operating system"]
C <--> D["computer hardware"]
### System
An operating system is a control program
## Major OS Components
| Name | Description |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Kernel | Core part of the OS; manages CPU, memory, I/O |
| Process manager | Handles multitasking, scheduling, and execution |
| Memory Manager | Allocates/deallocates RAM, manages virtual memory. |
| File System | Organizes, stores, and secures files. |
| Device Manager | Interfaces with hardware peripherals |
| User Interface (CLI/GUI) | Allows users to interact with the OS |
## Management of resources
### CPU
- A program can do nothing unless its instructions are executed by a CPU
- An executing program becomes a **process**
- The process needs resources
- All processes can potentially be executed concurrently by multiplexing on one CPU core or in parallel across multiple
### Memory
- For a program to be executed, it must be loaded into memory.
- To improve the CPU utilization, several programs are kept in memory.
OS should:
- Know which parts of memory are currently being used and which process is using htem
- Allocate and deallocate memory accordingly
- Decide which processes and data moves in and out of memory
### Cache
- Cache operates at different levels (L1, L2, L3) and is managed primarily by hardware (CPU cache controllers), not the operating system.
- **HOWEVER**, the OS can influence this by
- Managing process scheduling which affects cache locality[^1]
- Optimizing memory access patterns
- Supporting cache-aware algorithms[^2]
### File System
- The operating system abstracts from the physical properties of its storage devices to define a logical storage unit, the file
### Mass Storage
The operating system is responsible for:
- Mounting and unmounting
- Free-space management
- Storage allocation
- Disk scheduling
- Partitioning
- Protection
### I/O
The I/O subsystem consists of several components:
- A memory-management component that includes buffering, caching, and spooling
- A general device-driver interface
- Drivers for specific hardware devices
## User and Operating System Interface
## Command Interpreters
Special programs that run when a user first logs on. They read and interpret user commands and execute programs.
On Linux, the command interpreter is called a **shell**. The most common shell is the **Bourne Again Shell (bash)**
## System calls
- System calls are the interface between the user and the operating system
- They are the only way a user program can request a service from the operating system
- They are typically written in a high-level language (C) and are accessed via a library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
write(1, "Hello, World!\n", 14); // 1 is the file descriptor for stdout, 14 is the number of bytes to write
return 0;
![example syscall](assets/image.png)
## APIs in the OS
- APIs are a set of functions that allow the programmer to interact with the OS
- They are typically written in a high-level language (C) and are accessed via a library
- They are used to interact with the OS and its services
i.e. Under the hood, widely used libraries like `stdlib.h` and `stdio.h` are just APIs that interact with the OS
## Performance Optimization
A computer system executes a program by:
- Loading the program into memory
- FDE cycle (Fetch, Decode, Execute)
- Repeat until the program is done
- The OS must manage resources to ensure that the program runs efficiently
### Instruction Types
- CPU-bound: spends most of its time executing instructions
- I/O-bound: spends most of its time waiting for I/O operations to complete
Keyword - **waiting**, hence I/O operations are very slow.
### How do we sped it up?
- Replace slow I/O devices
- Perform I/O operations independently of the CPU
- Multiprogramming/multitasking
#### Spooling
- Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line
- A technique that uses a buffer to hold data for devices that are not currently in use
graph TD;
A["User"] --> B["Spooling"]
B --> C["Printer"]
B --> D["Disk"]
#### Multiprogramming
- The OS keeps several jobs in memory simultaneously
- Needed for efficiency
- Single users cannot keep the CPU and I/O devices busy at all times
- Scheduling is key
graph TD;
A["User"] --> B["Multiprogramming"]
B --> C["Job 1"]
B --> D["Job 2"]
#### Multitasking/Timesharing
- The OS switches between jobs so quickly that it appears as if they are running simultaneously
- If several jobs are ready to run at the same time, the OS must decide which one to run
graph TD;
A["User"] --> B["Multitasking"]
B --> C["Job 1"]
B --> D["Job 2"]
[^1]: is the tendency of a processor to access the same set of memory locations repetitively over a short period of time